Full Circle
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in kunv Studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Understand.
Unknown Speaker 0:20
Understand, understand, understand,
Unknown Speaker 0:30
the concept of
Unknown Speaker 0:42
love. You. What's up, everybody? Welcome to the show where we're going to talk about being yourself, but we're technically living you guys are living through our experiences. A little bit. By listening to the show, I kind of noticed that was
Unknown Speaker 0:56
really we're having a shared, um, what's it called? A parasocial experience, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:03
yeah, where we where we basically share our own experiences and share it with you guys, and let you guys know, like our what we learned or or any advice that we've came up with. But aside from that, I'm gonna go straight to what we what we left out, off on when we talked about last time, yeah, last time, we were talking about my experience in the Super Bowl, and how I was like, at my happiest back. I was gonna
Unknown Speaker 1:24
say, you sounded like I played in the Super Bowl and was actually in the pads and, like, in the helmet. It felt like running plays, felt like it did. I
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was like, I felt I wasn't like, in shock. I was walking on the field. She thinks she's part of the team for I could smell the grass. Okay? I really did. I really enjoyed, uh, being there just experiencing I didn't smell the grass during our rehearsals, and you get a big whiff, yeah? Like they didn't put, actually, they didn't uncover the grass until the actual time for the show, which makes sense. Okay, they don't really like fresh grass, yeah, exactly, yeah. Um, but with the day of when I, like, it was so weird because they said to us, we're not going to allow you guys to film anything, okay, until the day of the actual event. Then, oh, like, Okay, guys, well, like, No, you can do it, which everyone did not. Majority people did not take advantage of that moment. Like, I put my I turned my camera on immediately, and I was like, I'm gonna put it right here in my pocket and film every use, every all day, every day. Yeah, so it's on my it's on my channel, like my whole experience. But the channel online is Bosma singer. It'll be like my YouTube channel. I have actually two of them, Bosma T, E, A and Bosma singer. My name is spelled B, A, S, M, a,
Unknown Speaker 2:38
Ultimate Universe. Bosma got kidnapped on a megle or something that was
Unknown Speaker 2:42
actually like, Danger. Danger was serious. It was a serious really,
Unknown Speaker 2:46
oh god, I'm afraid I had people
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like reaching out to me and saying stuff like, Well, I'm not gonna say, like, too much info. But basically, they were like, Hey, you better be careful what you say online, because people can find you and stuff like that.
Unknown Speaker 2:59
They're like, someone will hear you, I will hear you. Yeah, be careful what you put out there online. If someone will find you, I'll find you. Yeah, that's exactly how it was. Yikes.
Unknown Speaker 3:09
I couldn't I was like, Oh no, but we ended up being good friends, which is so weird. Oh, okay, I befriended those people,
Unknown Speaker 3:19
and then that's stranger danger.
Unknown Speaker 3:20
That's why I said stranger Yeah, what have you
Unknown Speaker 3:26
you'll be kidding, like someone be trying to kidnap you, and you'll be so nice to them and helpful to them that they'll, oh, have a friend. No, yeah, yeah, they'll, it'll be like, they'll be put off by the fact that you're just not along with the program, like you're not picking up the fact that you're being actively kidnapped, and you're like, Oh, let me help you with that. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 3:43
yeah, I've thought about that before. I was like,
Unknown Speaker 3:47
if that would happen to you, like, if you would just like, kind of go along with the kidnappers plot to kidnap you, yeah?
Unknown Speaker 3:52
Sadly, like, I really have this thing in my brain where it's like, I don't believe in Oh, I believe in evil. I've seen evil, but like, for some reason in my head, I'm like, you're like, that won't happen. There has to be a way to destroy, like, make evil not exist. There has to be a reason why evil is evil. I mean, I don't even know I
Unknown Speaker 4:10
was gonna I was gonna say, I mean, there's ways we can take care of that. Those are called guillotines. You know, just what's a guillotine? Like what the French used during the revolution to combat the income inequality, which is worse now statistically than during the French Revolution. Speaking
Unknown Speaker 4:25
of which, actually, just saying, been thinking about that. I was thinking back then, you know how they had kings and queens and like, yeah, basically the richest of the rich people, yeah, they used to have and they also had slavery and all that stuff. Yeah, I'm starting to feel like, like people because of their greed, which, obviously, this isn't obvious, but like, but like, for some of when you really think about it, because of people's greed in power, they always kept that going, like, they just kept
Unknown Speaker 4:52
it, then they just change how they do it, or what they call or what it's called, yeah, because, like, slavery was never truly a ball. Still was just moved behind bars. That's
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literally how, like, the other day was, like, a week ago, I started feeling I was like, Wait, yeah,
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like, we live in a wait police state. No, the rich get richer and the poor get poor. No, we
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knew that. It's like, it's like, we know it, but do we know it? You know what I mean, like
Unknown Speaker 5:22
you're getting into this is, I need to, I need to, do you remember when I showed you the dharmine doggie door? Uh, comedy skit, yeah, remind, remind the viewers. So listen, if everyone, everyone, I love this skit so much, it's like, it starts like it's just gonna be like a little infomercial, little commercial for, like, an automatic dog door that it's supposed to be like, only lets in your pets and not like other things. But it very quickly just spirals into a guy having existential crisis and meltdown because his he's having some feud with his neighbor, and the neighbor put a Ronald Reagan mask on a pig and let it through the doggy door, right? And because the dude was, like, freaked out, it didn't expect it to be in the house. He, like, thought it was a monster, thought it was real, and then just had this whole cataclysmic breakdown where he's like, What is anything? What are they doing to us. What are they doing to us?
Unknown Speaker 6:22
You guys get lighted on YouTube. Oh, it's, yeah, Dharma
Unknown Speaker 6:24
and doggy door. It's, I mean, I don't know a person who's like, college age, or even a little bit, a little bit younger or even older that isn't aware of the skit comedy show.
Unknown Speaker 6:35
I think about it till you told me about it.
Unknown Speaker 6:38
Yeah, it's great. It's, it's one of my favorites. They've got a couple of them too. There's a few seasons. Yeah, it's all just a bunch of non sequitur skits, mostly absurdist, like Adult Swim type humor, where you just don't, you don't know what's going to no matter where it starts, you never know how it's gonna end. Like, yeah, it's, it's really funny. A lot of, a lot of it's hit and miss, especially if you don't like crude humor, because a lot of it is just kind of like dumb crude humor.
Unknown Speaker 7:05
I wonder how it paired with improv, like style, you know, you know, when you go to an improv show, Oh, and there's like, those that those times where it's like, it doesn't make sense at all, but it ends, or it doesn't end, and then you're like, What is going on here? I don't get it. Or it'll be funny still, some, sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's not. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 7:21
speaking of improv depends on what you like. I
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had a show this yesterday, Acts, no two days ago, because yesterday we did our, my, my, the person in charge of the puppet thing is calling it practice. They don't, they don't call it rehearsals. But yeah, we had a puppet show two days ago where we performed. It was my very first, technically real show to perform in.
Unknown Speaker 7:42
How'd you feel?
Unknown Speaker 7:43
I felt like I wasn't nervous at all, which was kind of
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rare, because I say that's very strange. You're usually very nervous. Yeah. So like, That's my secret, Captain, I'm always nervous. That's
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exactly what I was like, shocked that I wasn't because everyone was like, everyone's like, everyone, we're all nervous. And I was like,
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you're so used to living in crisis mode that by the time the crisis could actually be happening, you're like, I got this, guys, I'm so chill right now. Yeah, I
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was so I was too chill. So then we did the show. Apparently everyone said I did a really, really good obviously, there's little things I can improve on, but the fact that I did very well on my very first show went really well. I always speak to the audience members, like right after the show. And if you guys are wondering what we do in the show, we basically have a lot of improv skits. It's kind of like SNL, but it's for puppets. And then we have adult shows and kids shows. So the one that we did yesterday was a mix. Actually, the place that's doing the puppet show is called fur and thunder. They actually thunder. That's crazy separate. They have separate
Unknown Speaker 8:44
that sounds like it's gonna be some sort of, like a risque show, like, Oh yeah, yeah. So that's all kinds of different color, and exactly, oh my God. They have I'm correct. I hate. I don't want to be right. I never want to be correct ever again.
Unknown Speaker 8:58
They actually, they, they have some very intense stuff. Sometimes I don't even know what they do really. I've never been to the other shows, but I've been to the practice. We're both kind of exhausted because this week's been for me, it's been crazy. What's been going on with your week? Um,
Unknown Speaker 9:13
I don't even know why I'm so tired this week. I like, I have sat for my friend and his wife this past weekend. So because, yeah, they have dogs. And so, okay, that's they went on. They went and visited, um, and went and visited my buddy's uh, sister and her husband. And he also, because they are out in California, and he also saw no effects his last show ever, that was, like, the big, the big deal of the weekend for him, okay, and so while they were gone, I'm over at his place, watching the dogs, hanging out having a good time, and I don't know why, but I must have, like, when I was over at his place, I must have, like, slept in a bad position and not realized it, because your back's hurting my neck. Is really stiff. My shoulders are really stiff, my back is really stiff. Like, I'm not in pain, pain, but I feel like I have to, like, yeah, pop and stretch everything,
Unknown Speaker 10:09
yeah. And then you start feeling old, and then you're like, wait, I'm only 30, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 10:13
yeah. It's exactly it like, that's exactly where I'm like, Oh, I'm not this old. I swear. I think I've low key, been dehydrated and didn't realize it. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 10:23
I've been feeling really dizzy lately. Yeah, I don't know if I hit my head or, like, if I'm I've been questioning my head. Oh, remember, anytime I do, like, any like, ly, like, you know those? Like, did you know that the Red Rock has 4d seats, where you can watch a movie in 4d and the seats move the whole time. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 10:41
yeah. They'll be like, Oh, the scene has water, so get wet. Now, have you tried one before? No, okay, so I've done the, the only 4d rides I've done when adventure dome had the SpongeBob ride. Oh, I've
Unknown Speaker 10:53
tried that too. Yeah. That was fun. That was so fun. They canceled it for some reason, or it's dead.
Unknown Speaker 10:57
They change them. They change out the different so upset about attractions there. I don't know if they still have it like it feels like, when you go to Disney, they can bring it back or not, and
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there's like, one ride that's not there. Or if, like, I've only been to Disneyland once, and it was as an adult, I've been there twice. It's fun, like, over there. But if, when they tell you that your favorite, like ride is down, that's like, the worst. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 11:19
yeah, yeah. No
Unknown Speaker 11:20
one wants to hear that. No
Unknown Speaker 11:21
one wants to hear that. Yeah, no.
Unknown Speaker 11:23
So like, when I went to, when I went to Disney, or not, Disneyland, Red Rock, and I did the 40 movies right the scene, what'd you see? What movie did you see? My friend wanted to watch Garfield. Don't make me laugh, because
Unknown Speaker 11:39
I'm not laughing that, like, Oh, you wanted to see Garfield. That's whatever. It's funny. They're like, we've made Garfield 4d that's exactly what I was thinking, more like Garfield, because he will be there with
Unknown Speaker 11:51
you. Actually, there's a lot of movies in 4d right now, which is insane to me. Yeah, I couldn't even last, though, sadly, and it makes me feel like I'm last. I wasn't I wasn't able to attend Garfield. Was too I'm not even gonna lie to you, I got motion sickness five minutes in. Oh. I was sucks. I was like, Dang dude, I can't do this. This is, like, like, those kind of C's were everything I wanted when I was in my 20s. Like, when I was 20 years old, yeah? Like, you know when you're like, Oh yeah, cool. The coolest way to watch a movie is for it to be extra extra and overstimulating to the mags in every moment. But now I'm just like, I just want to sit there and have sounds only. I don't want to move.
Unknown Speaker 12:32
I want the normal experience.
Unknown Speaker 12:36
That's when you start feeling like, I
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want to go in. I want to sit down. I want everyone to shut the
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that's what I want to eat something while I'm watching without feeling bother me
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with my snacks if I munch too loud, too bad. That's literally how it feels becoming an old woman like that's exactly what I
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was thinking. Get off my lawn. That's literally what it feels like. Or maybe I'm just being more introverted, but not with movement. I
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don't know. Oh, have
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you been the game nest in Vegas? No game nest. Oh, my goodness. So I went there the other day. Sorry, I haven't witnessed game nest is basically an arcade. It's for an adult arcade, okay? And they have, like, games from, I think they're from Japan or and, like, I would assume, lots of cool games over there. I had a lot of fun. It felt like a second circus, circus. Oh, okay, was pretty cool, but it's kind of like, hot in there, but like, but like, it's because there's a lot of people there. Do you have any arcades that you like? Like, if you were to recommend an arcade to go to? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 13:32
not really. I mean, Circus Circus, I wouldn't recommend Circus circus anybody. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 13:38
really. I loved it when you had a karaoke.
Unknown Speaker 13:41
If you're over the age of like 13, you're not going to circus, circus to hang out, yeah, well, unless you're like one of the Vegas gangs that shows up at Adventure dome at like, 10pm Oh,
Unknown Speaker 13:54
man, that's scary, because I always go there. So let me not I always
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go to the venture dome after hours to get stuck.
Unknown Speaker 14:00
I actually go there all the time, anytime I have an opportunity to go to circus, circus.
Unknown Speaker 14:05
I don't know if it's still the case, but that was kind of like one of those rumors that we heard. I've heard things too, where it's like, oh, you know, if you go to adventure dome, but it's like, past a certain time of evening, like, there's just going to be a bunch of gang members that show up. And I'm like, I think it's really funny, because you just imagine, like, really, like, a hard gang bangers with like, knives and bandanas and all these kind of dangerous, I'm not gonna lie, but like, you imagine they're just like, all hard as hell, and then they just get on the roller coaster, just like, I know, yeah, they're just like, I love it. Oh.
Unknown Speaker 14:38
They all have, like, you know, they
Unknown Speaker 14:39
all have, like, you know, they all have, like, rap sheets, but they're like, I'm gonna give this roller coaster, like, five times, and no one's gonna say anything, because I have a knife on me.
Unknown Speaker 14:46
In all honesty, the roller coasters are not that good at Circus. Circus. Like, they
Unknown Speaker 14:50
give my mom, they like, almost give my mom a seizure, yeah, like that. I'm not even kidding. She wasn't supposed to go on the ride. She's like, I'll do anyway. And I'm like, don't that's what makes it
Unknown Speaker 14:58
sad. It's like they don't have the problem. For funding. I was, that's what I was gonna say earlier, is that they don't have the funding to be like, better. Like, yeah, it sucks, because I'm worried that they're not gonna be there in the future. Like, this is like, nostalgia for people who, like, are older grew up
Unknown Speaker 15:13
here. Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker 15:14
Like, Well, the
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thing is, I mean, the Vegas in general has just kind of told the the locals to go screw themselves, like, a lot in recent years, because the focus has been on tourism and sports. Yeah. Like, resource was, like, right? Resort World. Like, yeah, everyone's like, Oh, the newest and biggest and brightest and better and bigger, and here's sports and here's attractions and here's everything for tourists, which is so cool, but fun. Our favorite older, yeah? But then like, meanwhile, oh, adventure dome sucks now, oh, meanwhile, it's the only theme park, technically, yeah. And then like, oh, meanwhile, you know, they closed down the Fiesta. Now it's just that parking structure, and we're all sad or or, like, you know, barely any free parking for tourists anymore at any place around here. Like, a bunch of deals for locals have just kind of like withered up and or changed to not really be deals anymore. Yep, yep. It's just like
Unknown Speaker 16:08
people, only thing we get now is free parking. We don't get free Park. We get free parking in some
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space, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, which is so nice, like, two hours is, like, barely enough. We're not, we're not, we're
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not complaining, like I'm complaining, like we're not complaining. Please don't take it away. I
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will. Like, I don't care. Like, the thing is, is like being growing up. Like, here's the thing from my perspective, because I don't live like, in Henderson or Vegas. I live in Boulder City, right. First off, Boulder is not far. It takes me a half hour to get from my driveway to where I park across the street from campus, if there's a lot further than you think, but it's all freeway, so that's true. Like to go, if, like, to your point, oh, there's free parking for like, two hours, right? Right? Okay, great. I'm in Boulder. I have family visiting from out of town, right? They're like, Hey, let's go do something, and I'll and I'm, you know, living here, I don't frequent Fremont, like, why would I intentionally go to Fremont? You know? I mean, right? But let me go down to Fremont, because I've got family here. Let's go see what's happening during the day. Let's see if anyone Bands are playing free somewhere, what's going on, you know, let's go do that. Okay, well, oh, we can get free parking for locals. Okay? For how long? For two hours, yep. Oh, okay, so I'm gonna go, I'm gonna drive at least, minimum 45 minutes right to go through all this downtown traffic, to get into a parking garage that I hope has free parking for a few hours, maximum right to go play tourists with family for again, a few hours, and then, and then, that's it. Before it's like, Oh, I gotta start paying like, $15 an hour if I want to keep parking here. It's like, yeah, it's kind of wrong. It's kind of like, exploitative you make money off every other part of every other part of the experience. You can just not have parking cost. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 17:58
speaking of exploitive right now, Wesley's wearing a shirt that says, exploited. Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker 18:03
It's a, they're, they're a punk band.
Unknown Speaker 18:05
I love that. They're, they're
Unknown Speaker 18:06
in 80s, 80s UK punk like
Unknown Speaker 18:09
matches the scene. Oh yeah. You know, circus. Circus used to have karaoke. And the karaoke that they used to have, they took it off, which sucks, but, but I went to this other karaoke spot this weekend because one of my friends was visiting Cali. No, actually, it was like, I didn't know it was $40 an hour. Oh, it was like, what? How was the karaoke? $40 an hour? Like, come on. There was like, free karaoke right across the street too. Like, come on, anyways. So I didn't even know that it was, but my friend chose it, and they were, like, inviting me, technically. So they were paying, they paid for, yeah, but I when I didn't know, like, good, because I'm not paying for this, no, because I always, I always want to pay for myself too. So, like, I was, I was ready when
Unknown Speaker 18:50
he looked, you know what? Actually awesome. I didn't, I
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didn't even know, but like, when they told us the price, I was like, what? I was like, in shock, yeah, it's $40 per hour, and we didn't even get any drinks or anything, and ended up being like, at least 100 bucks without just like, dang, that was crazy. But my friend was like, it's fine.
Unknown Speaker 19:12
You go outside and you spend 75 bucks. Like, yeah, it's actually going on, which
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is, like, it's okay, but karaoke is, like, when we're going there to sing. But it was really fun. Though. I'm not gonna lie, I really liked the it just overpriced. It's just overpriced. Yeah, it is because, like, what if you got drinks and food after that? Like, yeah, like, it would have skyrocketed. And if you didn't know, they didn't even tell you the prices until afterwards.
Unknown Speaker 19:33
That's scummy. I hate that. I one time had so a lot of the time, whenever we have, like, my family would have visitors, like people come in from out of town, and they would do whatever it would be, like my mom's family or my, sometimes my dad's side of the family, and they would always offer to pay for wherever we went, right? And they're like, I'm like, Wait, you're on vacation. And they're like, Yeah, but we're flying out to see you guys, because we know you guys can't afford to fly out. See,
Unknown Speaker 20:00
I'm with you on your mentality, you're visiting. So let me pay, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:04
yeah, yeah. But then I was also like, the first time I was really aware of this, I was like, still, like a teenager in high school, so I wasn't about to be like, let me pay. Like, I don't have money. But I remember we went to some restaurant. I remember which restaurant it was.
Unknown Speaker 20:16
I have, if you had the money, I know you'd be like, let me pay, yeah. But, but here's scenario. Sometimes we have the money. I was gonna
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say, but here, here's a scenario where, like, that's not happening, because, besides the fact that I'm, like, canonically, in high school and, like, not going to afford this, like, I'm not paying regardless of whoever's around, right? Um, it was one of those restaurants where they don't have prices on the menu. Oh, I
Unknown Speaker 20:40
hate that nothing. You can't even ask because it'll be awkward. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:44
like, I and it wasn't like, obviously, it was like, that secondhand awkwardness and that secondhand embarrassment. Because, yeah, again, I'm not paying for this period. I'm I'm like, still a kid. This is my my parents sit my mom's sister, who's visiting. She chose the place. She saw that there was no prices on the menu. She wasn't even worried. She was like, get what you want. She's like, get what you want. I'm on vacation, but I'm treating you. Don't worry about it. This at the other right? And in the back of my mind, I'm still just like, what sounds like? It's the least, the least expensive, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And they're like, no, no, really, get what you want. I was like, but I really like steak. But I usually get steak from restaurants that are affordable, so like, this is expensive. And she was like, get what you want. Like, okay. And then my steak was like, $40
Unknown Speaker 21:30
yeah, yeah. It feels expensive in the moment. And then like, later, I guess after we get paid, then we're like, oh, I guess that was really nice of them to like, but like, at the same time, sometimes it's just overpriced and just like, it feels like it just, like, extremely overpriced.
Unknown Speaker 21:43
Yeah, no, I really, I really make it a point where it's like, I'm not the kind of person, like, I'm not gonna be like, a cheap person. No, yeah, no. But like, I sometimes I'm aware that I'm I'm aware that I'm poor, so I'm very much like, okay, like, if we go and if we go to like, this restaurant, I'm not paying for this restaurant. Like, every week, you know, like, oh, like, once a month go to go to a place and eat and
Unknown Speaker 22:06
there's, it's not like, it's not like, we can't experience things just because we don't like, there's places out there that are in our budget with the exact same thing for, like, way cheaper.
Unknown Speaker 22:16
Like, good example, like, if I was gonna go, like, let's say I wanted to go and go take some buffet anymore. I would some cheap ones. The buffets aren't good now. Some of them are pretty good. They're just not the same, yeah?
Unknown Speaker 22:29
Well, they used to be way better, like, 15 years ago, when the Orleans had, like, I
Unknown Speaker 22:34
missed the Orleans was so good. I missed the hacienda. So like, yeah, so outside Boulder, when you're headed toward the lake, there's, there's this really, really tall building that has since been converted into a Dotties. Oh, okay, it's, it sucks.
Unknown Speaker 22:52
What's the old building? The
Unknown Speaker 22:52
old building was called the hacienda, and it was notable for being like because it was technically not part of Boulder City's city limits. It could have gambling, but still be like, Good, yeah, it will, it does, it does, it does. It's technically not in Boulder City Limits. So they are like, yeah, gaming is fine. Um, and you'd go there and they had a 24/7 buffet. And when you went, like, a lot of places in Vegas used to have this where, if you went to a restaurant, like after 10 or 11pm Yeah, between like 10 or 11pm until like 11am sometimes like 730 but sometimes also that as late as like 11am they'll have, like, extremely cheap, but, like, full breakfast menus, okay? And like, wow, yeah, so Hacienda would be, like, casinos, but, like, was the rainbow that I'm thinking of, but then Hacienda did something similar. Was like, Oh, here's your giant, your giant pancake, and some eggs and some hash browns and some toast for like, $1.29 Yeah, and the pancake was as big as the plate, and the plate was huge. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 24:04
those, that's exactly the nostalgic, like, thought process and memories that we have that I'm worried, like, will happen to circus, circus one day, like, something where, like, they get rid of it because they can't
Unknown Speaker 24:13
afford the Yeah, eventually they're not going to care about the nostalgia factor of it being around for so long, and then they're just like,
Unknown Speaker 24:20
well, it it's costing us more than giving us. Yeah, yeah, there's
Unknown Speaker 24:23
some dumb stuff and like, like people, like people aren't supportive when they're like, Hey, this is a historic part of our town and our history and our
Unknown Speaker 24:32
culture, that all they need is one rich person to just be like, I'm investing. Yeah, they
Unknown Speaker 24:36
need and not even they don't even need one rich person. They could take, like, they could literally gather up a group of, like, five to 10 and everyone's putting even less, yeah, yeah. Like, or you don't
Unknown Speaker 24:45
even have to be rich, just like, ask the ask the public. I'm sure there's plenty of people out. I was gonna say, and happy to, like, donate to keep circus, circus. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 24:54
I was gonna say, uh, I was gonna say, like, they've got what I. Are so many different properties that they could, they could keep up and use more frequently, but they really like, they go out of their way to, like, just like, hurt the hurt the locals when they're just like, oh, we really don't care. You know, we could easily put this into like, we can get, like, the Preservation Society and on this we could get, like, old school Vegas type of places to to kind of adopt it and shelter it, right?
Unknown Speaker 25:26
No, actually, I feel that. Like, I feel like, if the people in power just like, trying to change Vegas cost Yeah, because
Unknown Speaker 25:33
they're like, Oh, well, what's, what's what's new, and it's like, you can have what's new with what's old. You don't have to change literally everything. It's like,
Unknown Speaker 25:40
it's honestly being born and raised here, like, it's been hard for me to catch up. And I'm like, always, you know, because we talked about last time how I'm always, like, trying to, like, know what everyone else is doing. I'm like, every, every second I hear something new, oh, gaming community, oh, we're bringing in sports, oh, we're bringing in Warner Bros, like, building it's like, Oh, my God, Sony
Unknown Speaker 25:58
to basically, like, have a new branch of Hollywood out here, exactly
Unknown Speaker 26:02
like, it's like, oh my goodness. What? What else is gonna go on that I'm not even know, and it's happening so fast, yeah, that's
Unknown Speaker 26:07
the thing. Is, like, it's really fast. And that's the thing whenever they're like, oh, but think of the economy, and I'm like, so think of the people who already have money getting more money. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 26:16
yep. So that goes back to the beginning of the podcast, when I was like, I started realizing something where, like, full circle moment, it just feels like, like there were kings in the old times, and then they got their position, got taken over by other people, and they have just kept that same structure over time. Yeah, never change.
Unknown Speaker 26:35
A lot of people will tell, tell you that, you know, we call it a democracy, but we live in an oligarchy, because those with the most because when, when we've when we have supplanted what we used to call royal power with market power, right then you're just replacing what the king now. It's not kings and queens now it's CEOs. And it's not saying
Unknown Speaker 26:54
that like people with money are having better lives, because honestly, I feel like a lot of people without money have better lives than those with money. I
Unknown Speaker 27:03
know that I see what you mean, because it's like, you can have all that money, but that doesn't mean that you're like, a happy, satisfied person, right?
Unknown Speaker 27:09
Because I never really see them well. I mean, I see them when you're part
Unknown Speaker 27:13
of the working class, when you're part of the working class, like, oh, money can't buy happiness. I bet, I bet you it will, because all my needs will be met. That's different from, like, what you're saying is, like, yeah, if you have all the money in the world, but you're still, like, empty inside, yeah, like they you don't feel fulfilled, like, like, all of the, all of the superficiality in the world that you can afford, like, didn't amount, didn't amount, haha, to anything. I
Unknown Speaker 27:34
think it's because we have to, like, like, when I say we, I mean, anyone that doesn't have like, anything at the snap of their fingers, right? Like they had to work hard for it so that to them, it would mean more. It kind of like reminds me of, like, when you're working towards a degree, and then you finally get it, and that satisfaction that you feel of like I did this, this is something I worked really
Unknown Speaker 27:51
hard to find. I did feel satisfied once I once I got my degree. You're right, yeah, so
Unknown Speaker 27:55
you start getting proud of yourself.
Unknown Speaker 27:59
Sarcasm, I was never proud of myself until I got my degree. No,
Unknown Speaker 28:02
no, we get proud of ourselves little, little proud achievements. But then when you actually get the final achievement, then you're just like, oh, wow, I
Unknown Speaker 28:08
did that. Well, we talked about it before where, like, sometimes I will be so focused on just like, how overwhelmed or overstimulated I am or how much stress I'm under, that by the time I accomplish the thing, I don't even feel accomplished. I just feel relief, because the pressure dissipates so immediately, right, exactly, are you? Do you feel proud? Like, no. I feel like, wow,
Unknown Speaker 28:28
I never have to take those classes ever again.
Unknown Speaker 28:30
I never have to like, yeah, do whatever. I never take another math class. Let's go. Never have to take another PE class. Let's
Unknown Speaker 28:37
go. Which is so weird. My teacher, she's my violin teacher. She says, You're a professional student. Because, like, I never ended up leaving. I was like, I'm gonna take more classes, because I felt like I wasn't motivated enough to just learn it myself. I just wanted to just show you, like,
Unknown Speaker 28:50
I think, you know, I mean, we're all different. Like, I also very much enjoy some guided some guided instruction. Yeah, exactly. I'd like to know that what I'm reading in the book, like, I trust that what's in the book is correct, but I want to make sure someone who already has that like experience and that knowledge can like, can share that can really share it. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 29:10
I do appreciate that stuff. Yeah. We'll talk more about that in the next podcast, in
Unknown Speaker 29:15
the next podcast where hopefully my neck and back and whole existence isn't painful, good stuff. All right, let's get out of here. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 29:24
Well, you guys have a great day. We'll talk to you guys more about our experiences and see you later. Bye,
Unknown Speaker 29:40
understand the concept of love you.
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