New Semester, Same Hosts, Still Flying by the Seat of Our Pants
Unknown Speaker 0:00
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Unknown Speaker 0:05
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. As a season three opener, this is just getting us back into the semester. This is an incredibly unguided, no outline, all off the cuff, random episode. Welcome back, everybody. Happy. Season Three of our we're gonna talk about movies today, so of R, O, F, l, we're talking about anything and everything, because we just needed to get something recorded. It's been a very busy week for me. What's up everybody? Welcome to rfl. I'm your host, Bosma, and I'm your host. Wes This is reach out for love, where we talk about motivation, being yourself and growing through what we're going through. All right. Hold on.
Unknown Speaker 0:55
All right. Now I know that's where we're starting, the actual episode, and I'm leaving that part in. Welcome to What season is this? Technically, if we go by seasons three, this is season three. Three. Wow. Okay. I mean, I know the seasons are shorter technically, because it's only for as long as the semester is. But still, that's kind of wild. The semester is pretty short. Semester, I know I was told like, hey, Thanksgiving week is the last week. And I was like, Whoa, yes, that's wild. It's weird too, because you feel like it's long when you're in the class. When does this semester end? Yeah, and you can clarify this more than I could. I could understand because you have the academic calendar in front of you, not literally, but like, more than I would. I know you told me there were gonna be graphics with the show. Where's the visual that's funny? Is the first week of December, finals week? Or is that study week? What I think it is like, studying December 11 would be like the week of the actual week? Oh, okay, so they're really being like, Okay, you were done with this the semester. Or the student shows Thanksgiving week, and then the first week of December is study week. And then second week, it sounds like is finals week. Okay. Now I know you know when, when you go to work eight hours a day, and then someone says to you, hey, let's talk about work. No, no, I've already reached my mat. I will tell you, I like to tell people my work, unless I have like, a story, story or like tea, I'll just be like, same, same as every week. Or I'll be like, all the same, except for like, one thing, and I describe that one thing and like a paragraph Max, and I'm, I want to move on to the next because, like, I spent too much time at work. I don't want to live at work. I think, I think like, also like at work. Not only do we spend a lot of time there, but we also spend a lot of time with people at work, per se, sometimes, unlike Not, not Wesley, because he just sits in that room while by himself. So all I do is sit in that room. All I do is sit in that room. No, I said he sits there, but he doesn't talk. You don't talk to well, actually, you do. My job is to a lot of people. Actually, a lot of people do walk in here, actually, yeah, you don't get any, any, no, I, well, I, if I do, it's because people didn't schedule, but because I record so much stuff every week, like, I make 16 hours of content a week minimum. Um, I definitely record more. That was my stomach. Uh, I record more than that, for sure, the positive part about your job is that you could see random people. I love my job, yeah. But versus, like, working an eight hour shift at a different job, like, oh, when it's like, stagnant same people every single day, you better. You better. Love living with those people. That's basically what you're doing. I The second you said that my mind, like, trauma flashback went to when I worked at the call center. I
Unknown Speaker 3:47
don't know if I've ever talked about that on the show before, but like, why not? I worked at a call center that did customer service outsourcing for different like, companies and contracts. Yeah. So like, one floor area could be a totally different quote, unquote, campaign than another. So through that, I worked with,
Unknown Speaker 4:05
I worked with Zillow, okay, for as a premier agent concierge. That's cool. It sucked. It was horrible. I hated it. No, you're fine. It's cool. I'm just being honest. You're being like, why are they nice? You're being polite because, like, you think it's cool because they're like, Oh yeah, I'm engaged with your story. Yeah, yes. Lived experience it. Long story short, brought me to stare into the void until the void stared back, and then I crawled out of it. That stare into the void until the void stares back. Oh, my passive suicidal ideation was very dangerously close to becoming active. That's, that's what I like, the thought of that, though I'm just being honest, staring into the void because the light just turned off in the in the studio. So I'm like staring into the darkness there the motion, let me, let me dispel the ghost rumors. It's because it's a timer and a and a motion sensor light. So if, like, literally.
Unknown Speaker 5:00
I can be sitting in there, like, editing, and if I don't move my chair very much at all, in like, five minutes, it just boop. Well, it's more like a horror story I was thinking more so like, stare into the void, into the void stares back. So, like, waiting for, like, demon face to, like, stare back. And that would be terrifying, because, like, if you try to, I'm like, stuck in here, yeah, if you imagine, if you imagine that something's about to stare back at you, I think your brain, like cycle psychologically is trained, or knows it's funny because you're saying when you were younger, you would watch the movie, then it would freak you out. Yeah, for some reason, I think I must have been some type of, like, kid that says socio, I don't know, sociopath, yeah. I was like Wade, but basically, I was
Unknown Speaker 5:43
even till today, like, I laugh in scary movies, I don't, I don't. Well, that's also, like, a response, it could be. But like, people will laugh because they're so scared, they'll just, like, instinctive, like, they'll gut react, like, I wasn't scared, though. The thing is, I, like, I've always been this a bit, had this ability to just look watch a movie and know exactly how they made it so it just looks all fake and it's just funny. At that point, I feel like, you would like terrifier. I don't. I. What I don't like in scary movies are like, specifically, do I have a lot of pop ups? Terrifier Two?
Unknown Speaker 6:16
Not really. I don't like pop ups because they're just jump scares. Jump Scare. Sometimes they're cheap. Yeah, exactly. They can be cheap. I'll put it this way. They can be cheap because a good jump scare is, like, people remember it. And they remember it not because it was cheap. They remember because they're like, oh, that got me, man, that really got me, which is actually, I remember any like, good the best Jump Scare in any horror movie is The Exorcist three. And of like, you'd be like, exorcist three, they made three of those, and it's like, yeah, actually, it's really good. Exorcist two is bad, but exorcist long legs, I want to I haven't gotten to it yet. Have you seen Maxine? No, ah, I need people to talk about Maxine. I watched long legs, and there's some, but there must be something wrong. I was, I thought it was hilarious. I thought,
Unknown Speaker 7:01
Oh no. I was just laughing. And my friend, she's, like, terrified, yeah, that was so scary. I was like, bruh, like, Nicolas Cage is like,
Unknown Speaker 7:10
Nicholas Cage is
Unknown Speaker 7:13
always like that. I love, I love that cage. There was no way I was, I'm not able to take scary movies seriously. Well, that's good. That's like, A, honestly, what a great like, accidental defense mechanism, that you're just like, this is a circle,
Unknown Speaker 7:28
but I don't like, honestly, you would think that they would be my favorite movies to watch, but they're actually not, because they make you laugh so much, no, honestly, sometimes more than comedies. I'll tell you you're talking about like, Oh, I knew what the movie was gonna do, you know, like, I knew, yeah, exactly like that, and how it set up that looks fake. Well, I mean, everything has tropes, but like, horror is unique about the way it's always embraced all the tropes, because it's always been, horror has always been so grassroots at like, the core of it, that, like, they embrace the culture and the camp and the and the tropes and, like the similar plot devices and themes and stuff, yeah, like it's about having so much in the sandbox to play with that you just create tons of new stuff all the time, like Legos, my favorite, my favorite genre is, like, horror. Is just spooky Legos, Comedy, Action. Well, I was gonna ask you, what is your favorite
Unknown Speaker 8:27
spooky Legos? I'm sorry he was getting, like, really into that. No, I was just like, No, I'm just like, willing to be goofy with it, because this is, like, not a series. I stepped on a Lego. Hell. That's actually terrifying. The thought of stepping on a Lego is like enough to make without stepping on a Lego for real. That's funny. Anyways, my favorite horror movie was that what you're gonna ask me, no, like, what are your favorite genres? Oh, um,
Unknown Speaker 8:55
like, crime and Detective, mystery stuff. Oh, okay, interesting. Um, also,
Unknown Speaker 9:03
yeah, mostly that horror, obviously,
Unknown Speaker 9:10
I like,
Unknown Speaker 9:12
I don't want to just say, oh, a comedy, because everything is a comedy,
Unknown Speaker 9:17
not funny. Just I still, like, you can't, I can't talk about, I can't talk about the comedy that I like without, like, going into tangents about sub genres and, oh, yeah, there's a lot of versions, yeah. And like, what, and like, what certain directors or actors particularly did that might be unique to them. What I don't like about comedy is, like, when you watch a comedy show and you know, it's funny because people are laughing, but then you don't laugh, and then you'll get frustrated with yourself. Why is this not funny? No, I just think of it like, No, I just think about, like, meat wallet from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, because I did it. And not that funny, but I did it. Oh, okay, okay, that was pretty good. Yeah, I can do, uh, I can do Meatwad, pretty good. Do you like to do voice acting? I do it randomly, because I think it's like an echolalia.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
Slash, like, Spectrum thing. I just, I just always repeat random quotable lines from things that have stuck in my brain. I can totally see you doing voice acting. I can, I can pop off a lot of different voices, but I the trick is, like, I can't think of how I'm gonna do it. I have to, like,
Unknown Speaker 10:18
think of the character and then just be like, close my eyes and be like, I meet wad now.
Unknown Speaker 10:26
I meet wad now and then. Just be like, That's not funny, but I get it. Wesley is such a amazing, like, talented individual, that he's able to do, no, you really are like, you were able to do broadcast journal. You've already majored in, broadcast, broadcast, not specifically, just so the the 40, I don't want this podcast to be about me, but okay, you're the host.
Unknown Speaker 10:48
Okay, so this is what we're talking about now. Bosma, being the student in the whole student podcast situation continuously, wants it to be like, No, it's your show too. Like, I have, I have co ownership of it, but like, the show would not be if she was not like her, in her position and things. No, that's not true at all. I started the show without Wes, right? Then I brought Wes into it. Wesley was a star, all right? 100% star. I was like, Wesley, I'm not doing the show. If you're not gonna do the show with me, he's like, It's your show, dude. Do you want to do you want to do it or not? I was like, Yeah, we're gonna do the show, but you're gonna be there too. And he's like, I you know, it's fine. So then he's in the show one semester, I forget about the show, and Wesley's like, Hey, are we doing the show? And I was like, Oh, yes, we are Wesley. I Okay, well, she makes it sound like. I was like, Are we doing the show? I I needed to know if we were continuing the show. Because sometimes he's just pretending. Sometimes we have he loves this show. He loves being part
Unknown Speaker 11:50
of the show. I enjoy doing the show. I just don't want it to be like you. Mean, you're the star of your own show in the in the studio that you run at the university that you work at, that you were, which is amazing. People love that. People love to
Unknown Speaker 12:06
hear how passionate this is true, and I accept that. Thank you. I just don't want it. I don't want any of it to ever come off like I want to be a center of attention. Do I think it's cool to have a thing that I am involved with more personally worry about that. Do I want it to be like it's my show and I'm someone important? Like, no, I just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just a common man working hard with my talents, of being a talented person in a very voice acting slash podcast journalism slash he's really good with people. Someone, someone out there caught my my wrestling reference right there. Yeah, Bosma didn't. No, no, you talked over right at the end of it. But it's okay, the right people will know I have a good question for you. Okay, so let's say you're playing a game, all right, and hold on, this is a good instantly turns into Jigsaw like psychology question. All right, so let's say you guys are playing a game right, and then all of a sudden, you won, right? And then now you get to go to the next level, you go to the next level, and then the person that your opponent is, he lost. He's lucky to even be about I want to interrupt you just for a moment, just so I can say one thing, because I'm gonna stitch it in at the beginning. Okay, so I'm in this studio a little too much. Anyways, okay, so, so basically, you're playing a game. The person wins, the person actually lost. So that's, you know, those pyramid games where you have to win the game, and then you have to win the next level, and then you have to keep winning until you get to the championship the tournament. You're in a tournament, basically, yeah, I get it. Okay, so you win the first level, and then you have to get to the next you get to the next level, the other person is lucky, because they lost the last level, but they got to be on your it was like the second stage to the to the last second to last I see. So you're battling them, and then they say to you, hey, Wesley, I'm totally gonna let you win this game. All right, okay, so then you guys are playing, and you're just like, you're like, Ah, whatever. I'll just play whatever. You're not taking it serious at this okay. Wasn't taking it seriously before,
Unknown Speaker 14:06
at the beginning, yeah, okay, until they said, Hey, you don't have to take this seriously. Got you so then you're like, oh, okay, so you're just gonna let me win, so I'm not gonna take it seriously. You guys are laughing. Have a great time. All of a sudden, the colors of the people who are like, telling you guys, hey guys, the game is trying to remember what their names are. You know, the referees, they're like, Hey guys, actually, there is a chance for you to win to the guy who lost. And now you just have to beat Wesley. And then all of a sudden, you look down and you're like, Oh no, I could have been taking this game seriously from the beginning, and then you lost by one point because of that, because the guy took your spot,
Unknown Speaker 14:45
and now the game is still going on and you're just sitting there upset. Would you stay upset in that situation and stay sitting there, or would you walk away?
Unknown Speaker 14:57
Doo doo
Unknown Speaker 14:59
doo doo.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
You do,
Unknown Speaker 15:01
dude, I'm gonna be honest, you really were confusing with the way you posited that entire scenario so like, but it made sense in the end. No, really, honestly, you lost me part way through because of the way you you, the way you described the the the scenario there, I must be, I must be missing some I don't know what was the ultimate better, if I might, all right, so what's the point? So the thing I'm asking is that when, when I don't like something or something upsets me, I know myself enough to know I will walk away. Okay, on that type of like, that's a boundary. You're like, I gave it my all. Yeah, exactly. Okay. So like, for example, I go to Del Taco. I did not like their vegetarian tacos. This is not a challenge. This is going to Del Taco. And then I was like, Nope, I'm never coming back here again. Never ate at Del Taco. God really needs to stop sending his strongest soldiers. When was it setting his biggest battles for his strongest soldiers? Because I'm struggling in the Del Taco right
Unknown Speaker 16:03
now. No, I like Taco Bell. I just don't like the Delta. Okay, so the vegan, okay, the vegan meat in Del Taco was gross when I had it. Okay, I've never had the vegan option. Probably Great. Now, oh, you should try it, and let's see if you like it next time, I should try the thing that you said was gross.
Unknown Speaker 16:19
No, because, like, I actually will. I'm going to try it soon. I just don't know when my brain is like, I'm cool with it again. Let's try it again. Okay? Because I just feel like, whenever I you're willing to give it a second chance, because you're like, maybe the first time, yeah, always willing to give it a second chance. However, I don't do it unless the it comes back to me. So it's like, it's like, you know, when you're like, Oh, this is a bad the Del Taco has to come back. Yeah? Basically, like, the Del Taco drives through you instead of,
Unknown Speaker 16:46
no, it's more so, like the Del Taco is at an event that I'm at, and there's nothing else for me to eat at that point, I'm gonna eat my only option. So therefore, it's come to me. Yeah? So now, if I like it there, then I change my mind. So kind of so there's the Delta option. When you lose a game, okay, when I lose a game, I get really upset, and I'm going to leave, right? But with you, would you just stay there?
Unknown Speaker 17:09
No. I mean, like, you just
Unknown Speaker 17:13
tried to get me to emphasize you being a sore loser. No, no. But it makes me think, like, why would I say you're in pout when, like, I could just go focus.
Unknown Speaker 17:23
Can either study the blade or walk away. Well, that's the thing. Like you're you've lost the whole championship in that point in this game, in a scenario that I've created, you've already lost a championship. Okay, because this dude tricks you into thinking, is
Unknown Speaker 17:38
this an example from your life. I know
Unknown Speaker 17:42
that's what you're about to say. It's not it's nice. Literally, just the meme of the guy with the butterfly. Is this
Unknown Speaker 17:49
okay? So you're sitting there, you're pouting. Okay? Would you sit there and be that person that sits there and pouts? Or do you just, like, pout for a little bit then, like, leave? I would probably. Okay. Again, this is a hypothetical scenario you put me in, and I don't actually know how to explain why. I don't know. I don't know how I would actually feel, but assuming that I cared enough in the onset, and then, and then, like, let my guard down, so to speak, and then it kind of it may have cost me in the end. I would be, like, kicking myself a little bit, but I would do my best to not forget that I genuinely had, like, a fire or a passion or an interest in whatever I was doing. So maybe I would, like beat myself up a little bit and I shouldn't, and I might take me a minute to kind of reconcile with that, but then after that, it's pretty much like, Okay, pick myself up off. That's why I ask something different, maybe, maybe the first thing I do right after that is something completely unrelated, so I can just kind of decompress. It just shows so there's two different types of strength, right? Okay, one is moving on, which is, like, that's something I would do. I'll just move. Oh, that you meant, like, mental and physical. And then what the other one, it is a mental and physical, like, strength that you have, okay, is that you're able to mentally move on in the moment, and you're still there, but and see people will come
Unknown Speaker 19:06
like, being Yeah, and they'll come up to you, they'll be like, Oh, Wes dude, I'm sorry, but what happened? And then you're like, yeah, no, you won't even say it's okay. You're just like, Yeah, I got, I got messed like, they messed me up, bro. And then you tell them what it is, what it is, yeah. And then at that point, you're just like, I'm never gonna make that mistake again. But that's a form of strength, right there, is being able like me, if something, being honest with it, yeah, yeah, being being forthcoming about how I'm actually feeling in the moment, for sure. Like, and, I mean, that's Let me adjust my head before I respond, like, you're willing to, you're willing to take on that, those negative feelings. Oh yeah, yeah. Like I, versus me on I'd be like, I'm out here. I'm out of I'm like, increasing. I mean, we, over the course of this podcast, we've talked about where we are, mentally, emotionally, in a lot of ways. And
Unknown Speaker 19:53
with me, it's like, I, it's like, over the course of this podcast, like, we've, you know, we talk about our how we are.
Unknown Speaker 20:00
Like, mentally, emotionally, our journeys and healing and all that stuff, trauma, trauma, abuse, life experiences, good, bad, ugly, all that stuff. And
Unknown Speaker 20:10
in the last year or so, especially the last six months, I feel I've really turned a corner in being able to just, like, completely allow the negative emotions to exist. Yeah, that's something I think is a strong trait. I don't immediately
Unknown Speaker 20:27
try to judge them anymore, and I don't try to immediately box them up and push them away as much anymore, like, obviously, I'm careful how they may like, how they play into what I'm feeling, or whatever I'm feeling emotionally already, or how I'm how I'm at mentally in the moment, or even how it makes me feel physically. It's more so
Unknown Speaker 20:55
recognizing that I'm just in an like having a negative emotion or headspace and just allowing it to exist and and then moving forward from it. Yeah, that's how you have to move forward through trauma. You have to feel, you have to feel that, not even trauma, just like anything negative, like, let's say, let's say, a person goes through a breakup, the best way for them to get over that breakup is to literally feel every emotion and and and feel that sadness and not go find something that make themselves feel better, like food or something, yeah? What you mean like an escapist type of thing, yeah, something that makes them, like, lean into how they're feeling, especially if it's something that they want to do again, like have another relationship. Yeah, yeah. Because, I mean, how are you going to have another like, another one, a better one, if you don't learn from reflecting on your previous Correct? Yeah. I mean, you can still reflect and eat food at the same time, but I'm just saying
Unknown Speaker 21:46
it's better. I'm eating my thoughts and
Unknown Speaker 21:49
I'm enjoying them. I'm just doing it is better to just, like, feel those emotions. However, there is, like, a good balance, actually, now that I mentioned that, there actually is a good balance between eating food and reflecting at the same time taking care of yourself, yeah, wildly reflect, like, okay, yeah, that's kind of where I'm at, like, being as busy as I have been the last couple weeks, especially, I've noticed my, like, the little bits of daily self care kind of fall by the wayside because I've been so busy. And even when time hasn't permitted, like, I haven't let myself mentally forget that, like I am busy right now, when I do have time, even if it means I ironically, even if it means I lose a little sleep because I'm so busy I'm already kind of running that tightrope successful mindset. I like it. It is because you know that you have, like, priorities and responsibilities. Yeah, but what I mean to say, but the priorities are like, soft priorities. They're like, they're self care priorities. They're not like, they're not like tasks and like professional they're personal. It's it's even if I get home at 11pm or midnight and I've been out all day, I've been working all day, I've been doing this, that the other thing, in the very least, when I get home, I'm gonna do what I need to do real quick so I can go right back out the door and take a walk. And I'll take a walk around. I make a couple loops around boulders of Boulder City is great for being a walkable city, and that being like what I love to do, what I do all the time,
Unknown Speaker 23:20
and I get that exercise every single day. I walk every single day, and that's my thing. So, like, I'll always make out of things. So that's kind of like self care. I mean, like, even if I miss out on a little bit of sleep because I take a walk at 11
Unknown Speaker 23:35
at night, then so be it, because that walk will do so much more for me, then that's I was gonna say, one hours difference of sleep, when I already kind of have a difficult relationship with sleep. So we, all of us, have certain things in our life that we have to do, to feel to feel sane. Yeah, better to keep moving forward. Yeah. For me, it's AirPods, like, on the noise cancelation, like, if I don't have those and I'm trying to study, or I'm trying to focus, or just like, feel normal for some reason. If I don't, if there's too much noise going on, my anxiety goes and I'm not able to function, hits, and then you're like, so, so in order for me to keep doing my responsibilities and making sure that those are all getting done, I make sure that I'm having those noise cancelation things, and then, yeah, or if I'm too cold, then I have to make sure that I'm wearing a jacket. So everyone finds for you, it's the walking thing. Yeah, you have to walk. For some of my friends, it's gaming. Maybe gaming is where their peaceful place is, right? And that's what they're when they're able to, you know, all right, find, find their equilibrium. Yeah, well, that's the end of the show. Guys, I'm gonna say we're gonna have to wrap up this. We've been going for a while too. How long an hour? Damn.
Unknown Speaker 24:50
That's all good. All right, we'll make an episode of this. We're editing I'm editing this. So cool. All right. Guys, thank you so much for coming by and watching, and we will see you guys next time.
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Welcome back to R, O, F, l, reach out for love and Welcome to season three. Happy semester, everybody. Thanks for coming along for the ride. Catch you on the flip side, bye, bye.
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