Overwhelm: A Raw Conversation on Mental Health and Self-Discovery
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K you envy 91.5
Unknown Speaker 0:12
What's up everybody? Welcome to our show about motivation and being yourself. That's right. What does our o l reach out for love show about motivation and love being yourself being yourself. Be yourself. Let's find out
Unknown Speaker 0:38
I was telling BOSM before we started recording I genuinely had and an anxious meltdown last night at like 230 or three in the morning and my car and go to sleep. Right? I should be sleeping right now. I wanted to that was the whole thing. i My thing is like, I can spend all day unintentionally distracting myself. And by that I mean, because I'm doing something whether it's doing work here or watching movies as I was last night or the music I listen, I'll get there. Okay, let me finish this thought before I because I'll do I'll derail on movies, because I'm not going I have a DVD collection still like I'm that guy. Oh, so yeah, so like hidden somewhere, I don't even know where mine are on my shelf. alphabetized all my stuff itself. Now, last night, I was trying to sleep. And because my point was because I wasn't active and doing something because I'm trying to like lay down and sleep. And to do that I you know, rest your mind rest your body. Let yourself just kind of just call like calm and your heart rate slows and resting rate and all this good stuff. Well, my brain will do when it's when it's anxious throughout the day, and I don't realize it's anxious because I live that way. strongly believe that I have a lot of other comorbid and CO inhabiting things alongside that. So
Unknown Speaker 2:03
I just want to say something about your anxious sure that Did you know that there's physical symptoms that happen to you that are anxiousness
Unknown Speaker 2:10
without you realizing Yeah, this the spine shivers the random spine shoulders? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:14
And then and then like something crawling on your scalp that you know that that's not
Unknown Speaker 2:17
Oh, I don't have the thing on the scalp. I have that for my so like, I'm a guy. I have body hair. I will feel it. I'll feel stuff on like, my, in between my shoulder blades. And on my arms
Unknown Speaker 2:32
all the time. Yeah, something like that. I don't know. That was an anxiety. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 2:36
yeah, that's, that's, I have spider web brain. Like I I've talked about this previously on the show, I'll always talk about it because it's part and parcel to my mental and emotional health journey and healing processes. So I'd much rather talk about it and almost be annoying with it than try to act like it's not a like a constant factor of my life. But like I'm very certain that I have ADHD and possibly other things along the spectrum like that. We can't diagnose ourselves but no self diagnosis is valid. It really is. It's it's you're not doing it for no reason. But yeah, it would help to get a formal diagnosis but you got money, I don't have money. The people some people get it for free. Some people get it for free. That's a must be nice. Must be nice. They get they have they have insurance that covers it. I know that I do have insurance, but I still would have to pay out of pocket for tests. And it's like, and what I was saying before about like with with what I believe to be like ADHD in myself is is the spider web thinking the everything is connected to everything. Ways of of like way my the way is that my thoughts intermingle. And that was making it difficult because not only was I I feeling like dog piled. But it was immediately catastrophizing. And I wanted I felt inside, like I needed things that I was just I wanted off of me. I didn't it wasn't like, I want them i being overwhelmed. Yeah, the overwhelmingness on the overwhelming feeling was just I want everything to stop. I want everything to pause. I just want to sleep. I don't want to have to I don't want to think I don't want to think about whatever I don't I don't want to think about, like everything that I'm hyper aware of. At all times.
Unknown Speaker 4:31
No, no. Like, I don't know. It's a weird mental thing, I think because like I was doing like really good or like, Okay, here's an example. So I'm studying music now. Right? One day, and I'm missing my third semester first and first year was insane. I was literally losing my mind. When my mind Yeah, exactly. I had to change the words. It's funny, so I was losing my mind. I'm going back in third semester. Everybody's like, you don't even need a music degree. You can do this without Music degree. So I'm on a second year now. And I'm starting and in my mind, like, I can't fight these thoughts, and I'm like, What am I going to do with this degree? Why did I want this degree is like, I just wanted it because I wanted to learn music. And now all of a sudden, I'm like, What do I actually want this? So now?
Unknown Speaker 5:13
Yeah, people place the doubt in your mind.
Unknown Speaker 5:15
Yeah. But it's not even just a doubt. It's like, yeah, like you said, it's adults.
Unknown Speaker 5:19
So I was starting to like, kind of like quietly sobbed myself. And I was like, either thing, like with crying or I don't know, no problem with it. I just I struggled to actually do it. I can. Now you put, you put certain episodes of Steven Universe in front of me and I'm a baby. You put the last half hour little prints on and I am a mess on the floor. I just had to, like, lean into it. And I was like, okay, cool. So what I did was, I was laying in bed, I got up throwing some pajama pants and T shirt. I walked out to my car, and I sat in my car. And I just gave myself permission to let all those thoughts out all those feelings out. And I was shocked when I tell you I was shouting when I tell you, I was screaming. i i flight gave myself full permission, I'm having a full blown meltdown right now. I haven't and I can't remember the last time that I ever. I've never actually done that before. Until last night. I had never done that where it was just like, hey, you can just explode. And I was like, wow, you know, when I can that's like, meltdowns are a thing. They're, they're gonna happen. You know, especially when you deal with things like I deal with, you know, they're gonna happen, they're, you wouldn't think that they're healthy. But that kind of overwhelm and a kind of overload, like, it's just going to happen. So that's what I did. I don't know how long I was even out there. I didn't have my phone. I just had my my keys. And I was sitting there by myself. And I just screamed everything out. And it was it once I did that, and let everything out, be it about life, be it about friends and family, be it about jobs beat about the world. Or, most importantly, like me, myself and I in terms of who like taking care of Wesley Yeah, like who am I right now versus who I want to be taking stock of like, you know, things in my past I'm not proud of versus fake ways that because of those things that I feel hypocritical for trying to, like, heal and improve as a person because like, because I can remember how I was years and years ago, right? And I can tap into like, Man, I really hate that about myself, I really hate how I how I behaved and how I treated people. And I really don't like that I could justify that kind of stuff in the past. And because I can bring it back and I can recall it, it was hard for me to also, at the same time, put a stop, like, realize that, oh, I don't have cuz I can recognize it. I don't have to, like, I'm not that person anymore. If you can, like the real measure of growth, like is looking back on how you used to behave and just be like you, you know, like, yeah, exactly, yeah. And realize like, oh, growth, oh, you know, I'm not that person. Like, you should be a little embarrassed to look back and be like, No, I can't believe I could like that. But at the same time, like not give yourself a lot of grief over it. Because a you're we're just learning and growing. What's important is that I recognize it and I try to make conscious adjustments and that I actually like speak and act from the heart. And so that's kind of how I was able to shout everything out I brought myself back down to earth and then suddenly that my my not only was like full home not only was I physically exhausted, like I was like man, I could sleep now. And I remember sitting there afterwards and I just had a heart to heart with myself about Okay, so now that all of the now that the dust has settled what is on your mind to talk with yourself through and that's what I did and it was about it was about some personal relationships. It was about my relationship with myself and in relation to a few other people in my life. It was it was being able to put into words out loud to myself I do a lot of verbal processing I've come to find is like the terms for talking to yourself. Yeah, like once the once the waterworks start I'm not gonna I'm not turning off the hook. You
Unknown Speaker 9:30
did a good job because you went to your vehicle. Yeah, my
Unknown Speaker 9:34
safe space, whatever. Yeah, just sit my car in the driveway. I don't know because sometimes I don't care if I wake up my neighbors and that's what I was about to say. Okay, here lawn care is all the doors are shut the windows rolled up. It's like three in the morning and I'm just gonna shout I don't care. Okay. Unlike my neighbors anyway, your mom could have heard it. No, no, no, our there's there's plenty of space. It's not important. No, I know what you mean like all your sleeping No, I don't wanna wake people up. But no, the way it works. The way it's like laid out is there. There's like a lot of distance between where I'm parked, and then the front of the house. And then all the walls in the house are concrete. So like, there's a lot of sound dampening when
Unknown Speaker 10:12
I did that, before I went to like, an empty parking lot was like, what time to cross again? 1130 Yeah, I went to an empty parking lot in the middle of like, nothing. And then I did it because because it's hard for me to not wake not wake people up or whatever. I'm not saying that you bothered. No, I'm saying like, I don't want anyone to like, kind of interrupt me. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 10:37
Yeah. See, I didn't even think about that. Because Are you okay? I didn't think about that. But the funny thing is, is like if someone was to walk by and and see that you're that or see that they wouldn't want to come by and bother me. You know what I mean? Like, I am my own determined at that point. Like, there is no bigger sign of leave me alone, please. And that's saying it without radio with radio language.
Unknown Speaker 11:01
You don't get social cues like me. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 11:04
I mean, you know, I get some so I'm, I get some social cues. I wouldn't get ya know, I think I might be on the spectrum somehow. But I get some social cues just from trial and error man
Unknown Speaker 11:19
gave me I felt like I imagined like, if I was a random person, I saw you doing that. I'd be like, are you okay? And you'd just be like,
Unknown Speaker 11:25
No, dude, if you if you know, I, if that hat I can, I can only imagine if someone came up and like in or interrupted my meltdown. First off, that's bold. Some nerve. Second off, I would immediately shut down. I would immediately be quiet. Yeah, no, I wouldn't. I can't know. It's that it's that freeze up, I would immediately freeze up because it's like, it's like, it feels almost like stage fright. It's like, suddenly, suddenly, I'm being watched. Suddenly, I'm being perceived. No, no, I can't do it.
Unknown Speaker 11:59
Last semester, I had like a breakdown because I lost like those friends that I told you. Oh, yeah. And, and in that break down, I went through something similar, where I was trying to like, I like have those moments where I will just either break down in my vehicle or whatever. But my friends, they were there during it this time. You know, we've all had moments where we want to be alone. Yeah, so this time, they were there. And then like, you know, when you're just being like, devastated. Like when I know, it's not devastating.
Unknown Speaker 12:30
For a figure speech, you know, you're falling apart,
Unknown Speaker 12:33
falling apart, basically. And then they're around you. And then you realize how much emotional like, what do you baggage kinda like you just gave to them later? And then she was like, Well, why don't you just open up to me and like, just cry it out? And I was because I was still going through that process. Yeah. And I was too scared to open up to her. So I was just like, oh, no, it's fine. Everything's fine. Everything's okay. She got like, I, when I and she then she left my life because she said I was too emotionally like, draining or something for her. And that was around the same time. I was like, the same time actually, it was a few days after
Unknown Speaker 13:13
I tried to. I tried to like when I'm when I'm close to people enough to be like, hey, if I'm just not doing well, like, I'll tell you, yeah, you know, but I always I guess I haven't had to do this. But I would do this is like, if I know I'm having a pretty volatile day, or like, I'm really just pent up. I would tell people like, look, if I, you know, because every every every friend ever is like, Oh, you can vent or you can fall apart or you can cry. It's fine. And like, you know, mostly they say it and they mean it, you know, you come to find out only through experience. So I would just tell them, like if it comes out, and it's a lot if it's if you think the emotions are big coming out, imagine how they feel inside. And that's it. That's exactly that's what I was actually telling myself last night I was like that. I'm like, Man, I'm really glad that I was able to turn this corner and do this. But back to the point. I, I would tell them, I'm taking this baggage and I'm not throwing it at you. I'm throwing it on the floor. Right? I'm I'm just exactly. I'm not. I'm not saying oh, it's your problem. Now. I'm saying this a lot. This is like my emotional like, reality right now. This is where like the whole thing about like, when you're dealing with people with mental health issues, and you have friends, are you struggling with these things? And you want to be a conduit like not conduit, but you want to be a sounding board and you want to be supportive, right? You have to you have to be able to separate like, like, what do you think leave giving them space means or leaving space means like, it's not, it's not, oh, this is your problem. Now it's just no, this is my problem. And it's coming out now because mental health and stress and all these factors, you know, so that was so late last night, by the end of it, I actually was really, I genuinely I leaned forward on my seat and I pat myself on the back and I was like you No, I leaned into the fact that I was overwhelmed. I know now that meltdowns are just a thing that you can be healthy and normal, right? If I'm so inclined, and I kind of am.
Unknown Speaker 15:12
You don't have to feel bad if I'm around you decide to leave because yeah, meltdown. Yeah, they shouldn't even be leaving you during your hardest times. Anyway, exactly. See, that's the
Unknown Speaker 15:23
thing. Everyone's self reports like that. Right? Like, I was having that conversation in different contexts with in law, I guess my cousin in law, who she was saying that this was years ago, I'll never forget this, though, as she was saying that she would want to go out on on walks or jogs or little, little runs for exercise. Right. And she was right. And she's very intelligent also can get high strung. Yeah. So she was getting she was getting overwhelmed or not overwhelmed. But she was she was really worried about the self consciousness of, of running, like how she looks when she runs. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 16:04
yeah. And like their whole right now with the broadcast. How do I look in the bra?
Unknown Speaker 16:07
Yeah, you're like, I don't care. I don't care. No, you're like, I care. And I'm like, I don't and then you reminded me there's even a phone recording us that I forgot to look over. Yeah, I've genuinely forgot the phones right over there. It doesn't faze me. It's weird like that. Like, but anyway, so she, uh, she was like, I'm just kind of worried about like, Oh, what, what do people think when they see me and all this stuff? Whether it's like, the way she's dressed, like athletic clothes, or if it's like, the way she runs when like, like, physically and I'm like, on I run goofy, I walk goofy. I'm like, right, but no one's really thinking about, you know, thinking about that, you know, I told her first off, I was like, I was like, I was like, hey, you know, they're probably not thinking that. And then if they are in the it's not, it's not that they're not probably not thinking one or two people might maybe they're not in your son maybe Exactly. So it's like, they're not they're not, or they are but most people aren't thinking about, you know, I'm overthinking. Yeah, most people aren't thinking about you. And if they are, and they have a negative comment, then it doesn't matter whether or not like, because her thing was kind of like, based on like, well, I want people to like me, you know, whatever. Even if I don't, I don't know them, like I want to come off. Well, the people she
Unknown Speaker 17:20
doesn't want to like stress people out around her by maybe like people like sometimes if you're even just you're just eating. We'll be like chewing weirdly and they'll be like, can you like not chew or just breathing? Sometimes? You're breathing too
Unknown Speaker 17:34
loud is like, never been? Oh, no, no, no, that's New Deal. People really? Deal with new people.
Unknown Speaker 17:43
Let's not that they're bad people. It's just like, it's like you always feel like some type of a nuisance. Like you're under a microscope. Yeah, well, you're gonna feel like that if like every small thing you do is like cold out Yeah, you like me if I was doing this the whole the whole broadcast that will be annoying someone or like,
Unknown Speaker 18:01
yeah, I was gonna say I'm only thinking about it because I'm like, Well, yeah, cuz it's radio when like, listeners gonna hear you making like, the whole Yeah, this little like if we were just in the conversation not being recorded and you just did that. I wouldn't think twice of it. Only reason I was like she's doing is because I record audio. And I'm just like, don't make the noises.
Unknown Speaker 18:24
He records a lot of people's like, the table and make some
Unknown Speaker 18:28
people come in. They have like a jingle lead jewelry and stuff. I've had to actually tell people hey, like, put take your jewelry off? Because every time you move and gesture. Yeah, the audio. Yeah. It's like it's radio audio. I'm not. I'm not I'm not Steven Wilson trying to or even if mixing master perfect
Unknown Speaker 18:44
stuff. If you're in the library, and you're just like eating something like, Oh, yeah. And someone was reading a book and they'll look at you and you'd like, oh, sorry. I didn't mean to like, be it. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:54
no, it's only it's only when it's like a sound. When it's like a sound. I don't say intensive, but like a sound focused environment where I'm like, oh, everything is like amplified. It's like how everything like you don't think about how everyday stuff like isn't loud, normal. Yeah. But then like, go to the bathroom during the day, and then go to the bathroom. Three in the morning, when everyone's asleep. And then you're like, yeah, and then you're just like, I'm gonna make every adjustment possible as to not make noise. And then, like I have, you know, there's like, it's like, the only noise I make is the how loud the toilet is, when it flushes. And that's it. That's all, you know, I mean,
Unknown Speaker 19:34
I'm gonna circle this back hold on the thing that you just mentioned, like the sound thing. I'm gonna compare that with, like, when you're in an interview with someone, and then they asked you, so how much do you want to get paid? And then you're thinking to yourself, I don't want to give them a number because I have to live. Yeah. And they're like, I don't want to bother them with
Unknown Speaker 19:53
five bucks an hour minimum. Please, no, seriously, that's what we need. If like a minimum wage because it was actually kept up with the rates of things it would be about were seven
Unknown Speaker 20:05
times, like from the Great Depression was seven times worse. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:09
right now where the the the, the wealth inequality and gap is worse that is worse than it was when the French Revolution happened. Yeah, that's what I was talking you're in the age of guillotines. Everybody,
Unknown Speaker 20:25
when they interviewed are like, Okay, I don't want to bother the interviewer by giving them a larger number because they won't hire me. And then I also don't want to give them a low number because I don't want them think I don't value myself as a worker, I don't want
Unknown Speaker 20:35
them to like lowball me and, oh, that's fine, you know, like, act like you go low to be polite and and like, that sounds fine to me. And it's like, no, but
Unknown Speaker 20:42
you know, what's crazy, I just did an interview recently. And the lady she was like, Oh, I had, I have so many people, I have people back to back to back that I'm interviewing how much you want to get paid. I was like, fair, I want to get paid fair. That's awesome. That that was so dope. And then I was like, but anyway, the thing is you need to do is focus up your mind, like you said, you're going through crying, that you start by crying, then you you get those feelings that are getting that get triggered you like go through anger, you go through all these emotions, and then you're like, oh, so then then why that felt great, yeah, and everybody goes through this, but whether they want to admit it or not, they're gonna go through at least one point in time in their life, where they're gonna be just overwhelmed. And then they're gonna make those conscious adjustments that you were talking about where they're like, Okay, now that I feel like relieved a little bit, I can think about what, why I'm in the situation in the first place. And then you feel proud of yourself, like, Okay, I'm not going to make those decisions anymore, I'm gonna make a conscious effort to get out of the situation that I'm in. And then, after being physically exhausted, you take care of yourself to care of your mind and your body. And you rest up. And then after you do that, you start making different decisions, but you also got to learn how to not go through that again. So when I when I when I say that, I mean, like, because at the beginning of the broadcast, you brought something up and, and it reminded me of the mentality that I had, when I was going through that set, like whenever I go through it now when I say no, I'm not gonna say when I was when I was like, when I go through it, because you're gonna go through cycle.
Unknown Speaker 22:17
Yeah, stuff comes and goes, I was gonna say, right, right. Yeah, I know what you're getting at. It's just these things are gonna be like, the more the better. We can manage the we can manage things. So we have natural ups and downs and not like right, super, super, super duper highs. And then oh, the giant roller coaster drop. And yeah, and
Unknown Speaker 22:37
the thing is, you're going if you're, if you want more for yourself, you're going to have those ups and downs. No matter what, like there. There's no such thing as no ups and downs. Like you're and there's no such thing as it always being like, like you said, the flow. Oh, you
Unknown Speaker 22:51
know, life has its ups and downs. You guys are having ups. Where are they? More up?
Unknown Speaker 22:58
Yeah, but the reason I'm bringing that up is because when I'm like I'm doing an interview right now, but this is, this is me thinking back to now you make me look at the time like
Unknown Speaker 23:07
I react to I don't react to tie. I don't care if you're late to class. I'll be fine. Okay, it was like run over there. Jog. And you're gonna and you don't have to be self conscious about it. That Well, let me let me end that. Let me let me end that that. That one subject? Yeah, so my cousin who was running unselfconscious, I basically told her one, nobody's really thinking about you. And if they are, and they're thinking something negative, then that person before you even truly interacted with them, they've already shown to themselves and will eventually show to you if you do interact with them, that they are that kind of a judgmental person. Yeah. And just because that's who they are. That's not your fault that they thought that because I can see someone on this like, like, I have, I get really upset with people. When I hear comments of like, all the way they look all the way they're dressed all their body size. I'm just like, shut up. Like, right? Like, people don't exist, and people's bodies don't exist for individual, like your specific individual approval, or to be like, made into like, a moral judgment call or whatever, like, you know, I mean, I hate all that stuff. So that always really upsets me. And there's hurts people and it hurts. What good does it do, you know, make someone make someone self conscious and when they probably already have been made to feel self conscious about that we before you got there, before you got there? Yeah, you know, and that can be any body type. It's not just and it's not
Unknown Speaker 24:35
like you're a bad person. If you've done that in the past, either. It's, or if you're doing it right now, you probably don't even know you're doing
Unknown Speaker 24:41
it. Yeah, a lot of it's unconscious. A lot of it is a lot of it is taught to us and normalized.
Unknown Speaker 24:47
In society and everything. Yeah. So like, it's just it's just being aware of those situations and realizing what you're doing. Like sometimes
Unknown Speaker 24:54
it's being willing to stop yourself. It's being willing to stop the thought that like, stop the train The thought that you're having right when you realize, oh, that's a judgment call. Ooh, that's who am I to say?
Unknown Speaker 25:05
Right? Exactly. And so I just remembered that I was gonna talk about that job thing, the reason why I brought up the job, like, I know, that's funny. The job thing, she was interviewing so many people, and she was asking that one question where she's like, What do you want to get paid? I think they're trying to lowball everybody. Like they're like, Oh, who's who's self worth is so like, gonna give me like, who's gonna give you the lowest number? I'm trying to make those people work instead of the highest. That made me feel weird. I was like, okay, so you guys are trying to like,
Unknown Speaker 25:39
like, it's kind of funny. It you I have more confidence in job interviews when I already obviously when I have a job, so like, if I was interviewing for something, and you know, working here, something else for part time or for whatever, like, would you want to get paid? I would straight up I would cost 25 bucks an hour. 25 bucks an hour? No, like, I'm like, Alright, cool. What do you think that's
Unknown Speaker 26:04
phase was like 25 bucks an hour straight? Straight?
Unknown Speaker 26:09
Can I say that? Like, yeah, no, no, seriously, because like, because Because fiscally that makes sense. If that is going to be the floor of what is a livable wage?
Unknown Speaker 26:22
I I'm
Unknown Speaker 26:24
like yeah, I know. I'm not trying not preaching to the choir. Like I know. That you said
Unknown Speaker 26:29
it was like the feeling of like, I agree with you is like Yeah, it's so true. It's like yes, we need that. Like even even like a year ago, it was still that bad.
Unknown Speaker 26:41
Like Be bold, be be a little Lulu and, and silly and be silly. That's that's what you got to do. So it because I can I can say that the street I can say all of that. I just said the straight face after having a mental breakdown last night. I had I had a phone I had a full breakdown last night and I'll tell you what, I feel great today. I have do not I have not gotten enough sleep. But that that started that's that is a it's nonstop and me because I've got to Arizona green tea with honey and Jensen. I can go grab myself a Baja Blast. Yeah, and I can I went through that. And I have and I have my hydro for water. Because who would? Would I be as a neurodivergent person if I didn't have my hydration drink my flavored drink and my caffeine drink?
Unknown Speaker 27:27
Yeah. And I want to talk about our highs and lows next time when we're talking like, and how, like when I'm in my highs, I'll always want to do what 10 times more. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I'd like a bunch of my plate. Yeah. And all of a sudden, I'm like in my lows. And I'm like,
Unknown Speaker 27:41
why did it Yeah, we realize that you have to use the highest to clear your plate. First, clear your plate first and then add more I do the same thing I use is my my, my, like I was describing my Tumblr room earlier. Like, the the all the books on my shelf, haven't read most of them. A lot of movies on my shelf. I've watched most of them, not all of them. The video games on my shelf like holy crap. I have so many games that I just like, I'm going to play this eventually. I want to one day and then I just don't and yeah, it's you don't leave get rid of them. Because you're like, what's going to happen? No, I don't want to get rid of because I bought them because I like them. Yeah, that's sorry. I was thinking I know. I know. I'm like explaining it to anything that you
Unknown Speaker 28:24
but anyways, thanks so much for coming. Oh, hey, oh, go ahead. No, go
Unknown Speaker 28:28
ahead. Do your outro do your outro but I know someone out there was like he mentioned what movies he was launching last night he didn't get back to it. I was watched I watched two movies back to back and just because they're on my watch list. My watch list is like over 1000 things long. It's way too long. I watched the driver from my 1978 Walter Hill who made the Warriors. That one's great. And then I also watched the HITCHER until 86 Beetlejuice I've actually never seen Beetlejuice. Yeah. Tim Burton, long story short Tim Burton, anything was ruined for me by mall Goths and emos in the 2000s. I don't know. Because hot topic in the 2000s and with with the scene culture, when you're in middle school in high school, it's it's very overwhelming and it was kind of cringe. I respect it in hindsight, but if a fan base is overwhelming, and like seemingly kind of obsessed and toxic, that's the best the first time that I don't want to be there.
Unknown Speaker 29:27
Okay, you know, like this.
Unknown Speaker 29:28
I bet I will. I like Michael Keaton, and everything else. I've seen him in Birdman is great. Batman is great.
Unknown Speaker 29:34
Thanks so much for coming and listening. You guys we love you guys. Thanks so much. And I said we as if I'm speaking for Wesley whether
Unknown Speaker 29:41
she can she's right. I love you guys to unionize your workplace. be silly. Be yourself. Do your best your chaotic good.
Unknown Speaker 29:51
Yeah, we're all we're all in the same battery.
Unknown Speaker 29:53
Drink some water. Hell hydrate Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 29:58
Drink water
Unknown Speaker 29:59
and better burger
Unknown Speaker 30:00
thanks for watching rfl reaching out for love if you want to check us out please go to Bosma tea at Instagram See you guys later
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