The Last One Out of Liberty City, Burn It to the Ground
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in kunv Studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Understand.
Unknown Speaker 0:20
Understand, understand, understand,
Unknown Speaker 0:30
the concept of
Unknown Speaker 0:42
love. You. What's up? Everybody? Welcome to the episode of Wesley and Bosma.
Unknown Speaker 0:47
Well, that's not the name of the show, Bosma and Wesley. That's awesome. That's funny. Welcome to reach out for love. Everybody reaching R O, of, f L, R O, f L.
Unknown Speaker 1:00
We love doing the show.
Unknown Speaker 1:01
Almost knocked over my drink. It's
Unknown Speaker 1:03
almost like we're talking to you guys. It
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wasn't open. It's fine, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:06
he just, like, he just, like, nudged it with his elbow. My
Unknown Speaker 1:10
Unknown Speaker 1:11
what it's
Unknown Speaker 1:12
called your wenas. Your elbow is called your we Ness. You did not I,
Unknown Speaker 1:15
I didn't.
Unknown Speaker 1:16
You didn't know it's called your weenus, huh? Yeah, you never learned that. Like, elementary school, like, some some, like, some little kid wasn't, like, Haha, you touched on the seriousness of this conversation is gone. Like, I like being serious when necessary. But you just told me, before we started, that you are not feeling well today. So, yeah, not sick, wise, just, I'm
Unknown Speaker 1:35
not, I'm all right, I'm all right. Um, but she's just sick in the head.
Unknown Speaker 1:39
Everybody now, no,
Unknown Speaker 1:44
I like, I'm like, laughing because I told Wesley. I was like, I'm not feeling so great, but I don't want to talk about it. And then he's like, Okay, we won't talk about what we're what you told me about, but we'll talk about something
Unknown Speaker 1:55
else. Yeah. She's like, let's not talk about the fact that I feel depressed. And I'm like, okay, cool. We'll talk about the fact that I feel depressed.
Unknown Speaker 2:03
Well, I mean, like the feeling, feeling sadness, is okay. Occasionally it is okay. It's okay because it's part of life, you know, it's okay to feel not great, you know, and but, but like, I personally like to avoid talking about it most of the time, because I feel like the more I talk about it, though, less it's gonna get fixed. I just need to just sit by myself, realize what's wrong and then fix it. Because most of the time, you know, there's two different types of people.
Unknown Speaker 2:28
Sounds to me like you weren't allowed to express all of your feelings as a child?
Unknown Speaker 2:32
Well, I'm pretty sure I did. I was a lunatic child. I don't even know
Unknown Speaker 2:37
how. I believe you lived in Goblin mode for at least, at least the first 18 years of your life. I
Unknown Speaker 2:42
like, even when I'm sad, I have, like, massive amount of of energy that that, yeah, it's called manic depression. Well, I don't know what is bipolar, whatever it is. I'm not gonna label it. I'm just saying everyone goes through this, and they all feel a feeling where it makes them either feel like doing absolutely nothing, just laying in bed, yeah? Or everything at once, yeah. So there are some people who like to take care of things by themselves. I would call that category of people introverts. And then another category of people are extroverted, yeah? And they like to go to parties, and then they feel better after, like, experiencing life. So for me, I like to go to, like, game places, like arcades and stuff. There's a place called Game nest that my friend showed me recently that was really fun. I really enjoyed going to the they have these, like games from Japan, and you basically put your money into the machine, and then, you know, DDR, like Dance, Dance Revolution, these little things that make me feel better. There's things like games, any type of games. What games help you feel better? Yeah, and it's mostly because it makes you forget about why you're saying. Most of the time, we're upset about something, or heard about something, or feeling down about something, and it is a big deal because, like, for me, for right now, I'm thinking about, like, my life, right? I'm just like, sometimes we recall, we think about our life, and we're like, analyzing how we feel. But then we, like, let it go for a little bit. We go play a game, and then we come back to it, and we realize, okay, I'm not doing that bad. Okay, it's not, it's not as bad as I
Unknown Speaker 4:14
think. Give you some perspective, or, like, give you a break from your thoughts. Yeah. And
Unknown Speaker 4:19
even if it is bad, you're gonna it's not gonna stay bad. That's true. It's not gonna stay remember. It's not gonna stay bad. Yeah. So yeah, I'm not feeling great, but there are cool things that I have done this weekend due to the whatever, manic, manic depression, I guess that Wesley was mentioning. They could be whatever, whatever it is, I'm very I'm very into doing fun things when I'm not feeling well, even if we can't afford it. There's things out there that are basically free, and like, Fremont Street has, like shows for you every single weekend, yeah, that you can watch for free, and you just got to walk Fremont Street.
Unknown Speaker 4:58
But, yeah. The worst year, the worst you have to do is pay for parking. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly, yeah. The worst thing ever, yeah. But yeah, that's cool. I wasn't even doing that great last night, honestly, like, I, I had to, I took a walk. It was like, late too, and it was like, almost midnight, and I, like, took a walk, and I said, No, I don't want to. I don't want to lay down to go to bed, like, with my thoughts racing as much as they were, and, like, just being kind of, like, mildly frustrated as I was and it was, it's mostly because, like, like, a lot of the stuff that we don't have, like, control control over is, like, not a big deal. But sometimes those things that we really just need to fall into place. Like, kind of get stuck in our minds. Like, yeah, I'm gonna be, like, for example, I'm gonna be hopefully moving soon, not like, anywhere, like, oh my like, moving cities or anything, but like, I within the next two to four, six weeks, whatever I could be moving as stressful, and that part of itself won't be too bad, because I only have, like, really my room of stuff, and, like the stuff in my bathroom, and that's about it, like, it's really not that bad, really good. It's a lot of, like, little stuff, because it's like, my records and my books and my video games and just like a bunch of physical stuff, like a physical media, pretty much. But we got some news that the house that we thought we could rent that was available is, like not available to us, because, without naming anything specific, for whatever reason, yeah, people's credit scores that we're going to be going on to the lease aren't good enough, or we would need some sort of, like, rental assistance or some credit assistance to be able to do it. Yeah, so that kind of threw a wrench into certain things. And then I was asked, you know, hey, can you, you know people because of my job, I know some real estate people, and can you reach out to them and see if they can help you?
Unknown Speaker 7:00
There's a lot to come coming to, like, moving into a house. There's so much that people don't talk about, there's, there's a lot of payments too, that you have to make when you get into the house, yeah, come up that you don't even know. We
Unknown Speaker 7:12
kind of have that already squared away. Like, that's great, thankfully, thankfully, like, the whole the financial, not, not bird side of it, financial, um, part obstacle. It's like the getting over, getting over the hump of it, you know, because having to have, like, oh, have your first and last insecurity, or have have this much, you know, in rent ready to go, kind of the ways that the kind of like, people make housing inaccessible and unaffordable. We thankfully don't have to, like, let me recognize my privilege there that I have surprisingly for this, for this context, but you know, we kind of already have that squared away. It's just a matter of, can we get into a place? Because, you know, housing didn't used to be tied to credit scores whatsoever, and credit scores didn't exist until like 88 or 89 so it's like crazy to me that this is
Unknown Speaker 8:09
so they've been they've been existing ever since we were born. They weren't already in existence, just barely. But yes, yeah, the 1990s is when we were like, we were being born into this world, and we were being shown the word of credit score,
Unknown Speaker 8:24
yeah, man, we're 94 babies in here. So,
Unknown Speaker 8:27
yeah, it's awesome. Speaking of, uh, no, I don't even know why I thought renaissance fair after baby.
Unknown Speaker 8:35
I don't know you could take a baby to renaissance fair if you want to.
Unknown Speaker 8:37
I don't know there's, there's there's, I Okay? Maybe because I was driving to the Renaissance there, and I saw a random baby carriage on the street on my way there, okay, which was so weird because it was literally just like a baby carriage with a bunch I have a picture of it, actually, okay, so that's great for I thought it was just, I thought it was weird because I've heard horror stories of like trafficking, putting baby carriages randomly outside, and then someone coming to try to help whatever babies in the baby carriage. And then they, like traffic, you somehow with, like a van or something. I was just driving, and I noticed that, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 9:11
Well, thought that was weird, yeah, I guess. If the idea is, like, put a decoy thing so you can then get swooped up by a, like a murder van, yeah, I guess. But like that sounds like a movie. It literally sounds like. It literally sounds like,
Unknown Speaker 9:26
Did I ever tell you about the time someone tried to break into my car? No, okay, well, finish your thought, and then I'm gonna tell you that. I was just gonna
Unknown Speaker 9:34
say it sounds like this a movie that I had seen. What was it called? It's like either searching or missing, because they're both very like one's a spiritual successor to the other, but basically the plot of either movie is person goes missing and someone close to them has to find. Them before, like, oh my god, hope they're not dead. But the kind of the twist of the movie, not even the twist, but the the kind of, the the appeal of the movie is it's all told through like computer screens. It's all told through like people being on their laptops or on their phones and talking to people through messenger or video chat, or using like online resources to be able to, like, find people and solve the mystery, and kind of get, oh, is
Unknown Speaker 10:32
it a movie, though? Yeah. Oh, okay, so it's a movie, but in the movie, the characters are basically looking for the person using technology,
Unknown Speaker 10:39
yeah. Yeah. Interesting. It takes place mostly entirely through like the main characters, like Max screens and stuff like that. And
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why does your link that with the trafficking? Because that's what happens
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in like the second movie. That's how the main character's mom gets kidnapped. Is like she's walking along the street with somebody where they're taking a vacation, okay? And, like, literally, exactly what you described, like, like, they're walking along the side of the road, and then white van pulls up. People jump out of the van, okay, throw her in, run, like, like, drive off with her. Before anyone notices. A lot
Unknown Speaker 11:18
of horror stories. The other day, I was at what's it called the Ahern hotel, because right next door, I perform at the Mint. This actually, I'm performing this weekend. I think this Saturday. Is it on Saturday? I have to really double check, but basically, I perform at the mint, and I tell you guys the date while I'm looking it up. And there was this lady at the Ahern hotel, yeah, like, I parked in the parking lot over there, because there was barely any parking spaces at the Mint, like, in front of the mint, so I parked over there. And then we were leaving, my friend was driving me back, yeah, and I see this lady with, like, a luggage, and she starts opening my door, and I'm just like, Oh, she thinks your car is her car. No, she tried to open the car next to her, and then the other car, which was my car, was on the other side, and she opened that door first. Then she tried to go for my door. And I was like, I, like, got out of my friend's car. And I was like, Are you trying to open my car? And then she just, like, looked at me and like, rolled her luggage away in the most so she
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was just trying to, like, find someone's car to take, yeah, or someone to
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rob, basically, okay. And my car door knob is, like, broken right now, so I was very good luck
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there. Yeah, that's fine. I
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was like, oh no,
Unknown Speaker 12:29
oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker 12:31
And then I was worried, though, because I've also heard horror stories where they will, like, put some type of drugs on your doorknob. What? So that, yeah, so that you can get trafficked. If you didn't know that, there's a lot of
Unknown Speaker 12:43
Wait, wait, wait, how does putting drugs on a door handle lead to you getting traffic? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 12:49
so people put this, I don't know what color the stuff is, but have you ever seen something random, like a $5 bill or a $20 bill on the ground randomly, and you're like, Why did someone leave a $20 bill on the ground? If you ever find something like that, do not pick it up because, or just be careful, kick it around. See if there's any, like, white powder or anything that comes out of it. Because sometimes that's the trafficking scheme where, yeah, like, you'll touch it, and then all of a sudden you'll get the drug. Like, it's kind of like that, that drug where people, like, put it on the on the towel, and then they do this, and then you, like, pass out. Yeah, you're sorry.
Unknown Speaker 13:22
You're talking about when people are chloroform, chloroform. That was the, okay, yeah, so ether, chloroform, same thing, ether, okay, then maybe it's called ether. I
Unknown Speaker 13:29
don't know what it's either one really, like, yeah, it kind of, well, whatever type of drug there's people put there. There are horror stories of certain things like that. There's so many different unique ways that people do human trafficking, or, like, a bunch of random things, that it's very important for people to look that stuff up, because they're getting so creative with it. Like, so anyways, when the lady was trying to open my car and then she, like, walked away and just kept staring me walking I was like, yeah. Freaked out, so I ended up checking my car door, like, Okay, did you do anything to my car door before I, like, start driving away. Because sometimes they'll, they'll drug your car door. And then you get in your car, and then you're driving and you accidentally, like, rub your nose or something, or they'll be following you, and you don't even know that they're, where
Unknown Speaker 14:12
did you hear that part of things? Just a lot of articles
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online about about, like, what to look
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like. Specifically, people have been like, I thought I was fine, and then like, I was driving, and like, yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker 14:25
Oh yeah, that's another Yeah. Well, they'll rub their nose randomly or something. But there's so many I do. I am one of those people who gets anxiety,
Unknown Speaker 14:33
though, like really thinking, Yeah, wow. Would never have guessed this, considering that the first thing you talked about was someone will try to get into my car, leave drug residue, and somehow I will be trafficked. Almost, like, I'm not saying like, I'm not saying it's not important to, like, be mindful of yourself, especially when you're like, either in like a metropolitan area or like on vacation, or especially if you're in like a country that's not your own, but like on. Honestly, I think you're all right. Well, yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 15:02
mean, most of the time, like, you're saying you're all right, but I mean, it doesn't hurt to just have, like, no, no your head. Like, definitely
Unknown Speaker 15:09
be careful. But also, like, but you're right. I just, I don't think you're gonna, like, accidentally, like, drug yourself. Well,
Unknown Speaker 15:16
yeah, well, I don't know how strong the drugs are or whatever, but
Unknown Speaker 15:22
I like, badly the existence of the drugs are just
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letting you guys know that I'm performing at the Mint and it's at six o'clock on Saturday, this Saturday, not next Saturday.
Unknown Speaker 15:33
What's the date on that?
Unknown Speaker 15:35
It's gonna be on October 19. I'll probably only be singing, like, one or two songs. There's gonna be two comedians. I'm gonna be singing a couple other singers, and some of them are, like, pretty well known singers, nice, pretty, pretty, nice, little get together there, nice.
Unknown Speaker 15:49
And then, coincidentally, of performing and shows and things the day before that, on Friday, October 18, I'm not performing, but I will certainly be in the audience for watching less than Jake and kill Lincoln live in concert at Fremont Country Club. I think it is okay, so I'm super excited. Less than Jake is one of my favorite bands, like, of all time. Like, very like, I have, like, a number zero band and then like a number one band, you know what I mean? And that's like, number one. Yeah, they're like, my number one band. So they're like, I'm really excited to see them. Plus the really important thing is they're playing. I think it's 25 years of this album existing roughly. Hello, rockview, which was their record they put out in 1998 it is genuinely it might be my favorite album of all time, okay, um, and so for them to be playing it in full, and that's gonna be awesome. This is like, yeah, it's like a dream. I'm gonna be screaming along with every word. I'm gonna lose my voice. I don't know, literally, I will. I really will. Um, I
Unknown Speaker 16:55
love that. I just love the, like, those bands that I like, super excited. Thank
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you. I have nothing but amazing things to say about that band and most of their discography. If you haven't listened to less than Jake or the album, hello rockview. And you like punk rock, you like ska. You like music that gets you up and moving. You like stuff that gets you dancing. You like stuff that relates that like relates to kind of that growing up in a small town, and part of you wants to stay, and part of you wants to go, and you're kind of caught in between past and present, of like what was and what is and what the future might hold. There's a lot of great lyrics in there for you, a lot of great songs. And if you're around our age or just are cool like this, you might remember a couple of their songs from that album that are very popular. One of them is called, all my best friends are metalheads, which was on the Digimon movie soundtrack. If you were like a 90s or 2000s kid like us, or if you played Tony Hawk four, I think they had a song on Tony Hawk prosecutor four, cool. So there you go. But great. I'm super excited to see them. That album in full is like a dream. I've seen them twice before, but never headliners.
Unknown Speaker 18:21
Okay, yeah, that sounds like it'll be a fun concert, yeah. What time was it again? I
Unknown Speaker 18:26
don't know. Oh, you know, I don't know. I have tickets. I'm pretty sure they're not sold out. The other band that's opening for them is called Kill Lincoln, and they are from DC. They came around, like, a newer ska band. They came around, like, around, like, 2011 Okay, um, so they're, like, way, like, much newer in terms of ska music. And funny enough, when I first heard them, they really reminded me of, like, classic era, like, this same era, less than Jake.
Unknown Speaker 18:51
I love that. So I love when it, like, brings you back. Oh, it just lines up best, the best feelings and the best, it's kind of euphoric, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:59
like, it's gonna be perfect. This is my first time seeing them. I will not be the same person before and after they play. There's a song they have called wake, wait, repeat, and it's just, it's a it's a banger. That's
Unknown Speaker 19:11
what I love about concerts. Is this, like, I was just asked, I was just thinking about this the other day, how, like, we have concert people performing right every single week, and when you're feeling down and and in the dumps, or like, or if you just want to, like, recall a really awesome feeling from the past, you just got to go to your most recent concert venue and then, like, watch one of your favorite singers or or favorite bands or something. Which I hate it though, when, um, and yes, I do mean hate, when I want to go watch a band, but they are no longer together, or Yeah, or that, or the singer is no longer singing,
Unknown Speaker 19:47
Yeah, or like the like a big member has died or something, yeah. Also, speaking of music and concerts, retroactive, shout out to my homies, Piper and Jonas from Roman candle. Yeah. Um, the local Vegas hardcore band. They they played this past weekend at sin wave. And I've never been to sin wave before. Um, the little music spot in there is, like, really small. That's awesome, but they went hard. Um, also, Piper, thanks for stage diving on me. I didn't catch you at all. I'm so sorry. So me and my buddy were like, Why did you not catch her? I will explain. It's crazy how I was about to explain it. So I like how you're Yeah, so, like, we're right up in front of the Barricade, okay? And me and my buddy, I had bought a copy of their vinyl, okay, before they went on, okay? And so knowing it's like, Rowdy music, knowing it's gonna be like, oh, man, people are gonna be like, throwing haymakers and going crazy in the pit behind me. So let me be really, really careful. So I had my had the vinyl, and I kept it. I was like, right up against the you guys can't see this, but Bosman, can I like, right up against, yep, I'm right up against the very front, at the very front, and I'm like, holding, and I'm like, holding the record, like this, like, and my lap, okay, like this. Like, really, okay.
Unknown Speaker 21:08
So he's like, crossing his arm. I'm
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like, yeah, really tightly, holding this thing. And at this point in the show, it's like, nearing it to the last song. I think there wasn't, like, a ton of people in the crowd, but like enough that if you're gonna, like, try to stage dive. I can mean there's enough people to like, catch you, at least for a little bit. You know me, my buddy were watching their guitar player, Jonas, because he was doing this thing at the end of the song, where he's like, taking his guitar and intentionally getting it closer to the speakers for some feedback, a feedback effect. So we're watching him do that. And then as I'm watching him do this over here. By the time I look over, Piper has already lifted off of the ground, and his like, passing by me. She stage dives directly into like, my face, raises my ear and, like, knocks me backward. Yeah, I felt kind of bad. I was the security guy. No, it doesn't matter. There was security, but like, this is stage diving in a punk show. It's like, it's understood what's going on. So basically, what ended up happening was I was, like, trying to make sure my records Okay, so I don't have any time to react. So by the time too,
Unknown Speaker 22:12
like, it's hard for you to just to be able to see that when you're at the way front. Well, no,
Unknown Speaker 22:16
no, I would have been able to see her coming, no problem, except I was looking past her and behind her to where the guitar player was. So by the time I saw her coming at me, she was already like, saying she was like, on your peripheral. Yeah, exactly. Okay, exactly. She's on my peripheral. So by the time I noticed her, that's what makes it hard, though, exactly. So what ended up happening was I had, I had one hand on the record, and by the time she was about to, like, stage dive, she's already partially passed me, and I, like, didn't get my arm up to try to catch her in time. So she absolutely just, like, eats crap on the floor. I felt really, really bad. Like a friend's boss his apology to you, I'm so sorry Piper, because, like, her friends were behind us, and like, we're trying to catch her as well. But, like, it just, it
Unknown Speaker 23:02
just did not even give a warning. No, this
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is punk music. You just do it. I don't know you, you, you, you think there's full tribe. You really, yeah, you really want way more organization. Another show.
Unknown Speaker 23:13
I'll also be performing the next day, on Sunday, uh, October 20, at a puppet show.
Unknown Speaker 23:19
Oh, geez, here comes.
Unknown Speaker 23:20
It's gonna be, I think this one's gonna be at mom's basement, somewhere near Sahara Decatur. I don't remember. Okay, it's near Decatur. Okay, yeah, it's, it's an interesting little spot. The last podcast, I was talking about how there's some people who have money and they're able to experience certain things, but they're still like, not happy or fulfilled. And it's mostly because people without money always find ways to fulfill with whatever means that they have. And you know so it matters only when you you make it matter. If you're in your mind, you're thinking, Oh man, I'm broke, and I can't do this because of XYZ. There's always a way. There's always a way go do your research, find something that makes you happy. Have you ever seen those little mini um? I actually took one of these with me to the Renaissance Fair, but it wasn't. It wasn't it was the connection, kind of like dies out. Sometimes it's like a little miniature karaoke machine where you can have karaoke at any time and moment of your life. I love that thing.
Unknown Speaker 24:21
It's literally a 25 thing for you.
Unknown Speaker 24:23
It's literally only 20 bucks. I can have a concert wherever I go. I don't have to spend money. I just got to use that $25 machine. And bam, Hey, friend, you want to sing with me? Here's a mic for you. Here's a mic for me. Karaoke,
Unknown Speaker 24:35
let's go. That's kind of cool. Actually,
Unknown Speaker 24:38
be spoken is really nice. I like that place. Have you been there? I've never even heard it's like, literally, right near the mint. So if you guys do go to the mint to check out my concert, he
Unknown Speaker 24:48
can go there after you can literally,
Unknown Speaker 24:50
well, actually, it's a great it's a better breakfast spot than breakfast. Was so good. Let me just so that right now I've been there. Was so good. The food they have, like little mint. Your pancakes and little miniature waffles. What else has
Unknown Speaker 25:02
gone on lately?
Unknown Speaker 25:03
Um, the renaissance fair.
Unknown Speaker 25:06
Yeah, you went to that. I did not. I did. I wasn't. It
Unknown Speaker 25:10
was the same as it is every year, which is why I like, Okay,
Unknown Speaker 25:15
same as it ever was.
Unknown Speaker 25:18
I think the only new thing I saw was a fairy world or something, but they've had that. I just never saw it before. Oh, because, you know, it's like, when you go to Disney World and you're like, Oh, what is this? And then you're like, you don't remember
Unknown Speaker 25:29
they have, like, all the stuff, so it's like, new to you, even if it's not really exactly
Unknown Speaker 25:32
because you you never see it, yeah? And you're doing when you're going there the first time, because it's such a large area, and you're just like, right? Yeah. Oh, well, you said you never went there before. Never went what to the Renaissance
Unknown Speaker 25:45
No, well, like last time I've been to a renaissance fair was in high school, so there was a like they did Ren Faire in Boulder City this one year. And I don't know why. Actually, I do know why the I was in a 3d animation class in high school. I, like, learned how to use, like, flash and Photoshop and what high school teaching, bowlers, City High School, wow, yeah, not a lot of places probably I
Unknown Speaker 26:15
missed out in my high school, they never gave me Yeah. We
Unknown Speaker 26:17
never got good at it anyway. So, oh, really, yeah, no. But the thing was, the teacher of that class, she is a big, red and fair person, and she was kind of getting involved like her and other people at the school were involved with, like getting the event coordinated and getting different information for it, for when it happened in Boulder this year. And she also knew that I was in another computer class called CAD, which is for architectural design, which I took because it was computer class, not because I actually cared about architecture design, but because I had that and she knew I was in that class. She was like, Hey, do you want to draft the map that everyone will use to get around the fairgrounds? Okay? And I was like, Yeah, sure. Big job, yeah. And I was like, Sure. What do you want it to? What's it look like, and she just literally gave me this, like, really rough outline, uh, okay, like, she drew a rough outline. And then I just had to be like, she was, like, even possible, I don't know. I don't know. She was like, she gave me, like, the bare basics of, like, how big the fairground was gonna be. And then, like, basically told me, like, just estimate, like, the other values. Okay, it was weird. I don't know how exactly I pulled it off, but I did Wow. Like, the little map that they the little map that they had that year of like, what's what's what, and what's where they ended up using it. They ended up using it. So, wow, it wasn't good. I don't it didn't have to be good. It was like, they knew it came from a high school. Oh, okay, because I know I was like, 17 fail
Unknown Speaker 27:48
that I would just, if I can't see it in person, I'm not gonna know where anything is. Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 27:52
was in, like, yeah, I was like, between the ages of, like, 15 and 17. When I did that, the only reason I got picked for is because I was in both the animation class and the CAD class, and my teacher knew that, so they were so she was just like, you can do it, yeah. No, that's awesome, yeah? So one thing I liked about the REN fair, honestly, like, I think it's really cool. People can pick up, like, you know, you can buy, like, helmets and swords and stuff. Yeah, they
Unknown Speaker 28:14
also do that. I
Unknown Speaker 28:15
like, I like the crepes, I like the desserts. I like the
Unknown Speaker 28:19
food. Okay, guys, well, it was really great talking to you guys, and we will talk to you guys next week at our next podcast. Hooray.
Unknown Speaker 28:29
Awesome. Well, everybody, if you are struggling with any sort of like sad or upsetting thoughts, we hope our conversation made you feel better. Yeah, you're not alone. We're getting through it. We're trying to, we're trying to go through what we go through, going through what we go I said the thing, and then, yeah, just if the if there's anything you can do to keep yourself moving, even when you just don't, don't see a way forward. Just just keep showing up. Just whatever you got to do, just keep showing up and
Unknown Speaker 29:02
let us know if you know any cool places in Vegas. Uh, feel free to message us and let us know that that you know a cool place, because I want to know, because I want to know.
Unknown Speaker 29:12
She wants to know. And if you guys, if any of you guys happen to be, uh, fans and supporters of the local punk scene here in Vegas, uh, let me know, because I would love to see you at concerts and make friends.
Unknown Speaker 29:25
All right, Anyways, guys, we'll see you guys next time. Bye.
Unknown Speaker 29:40
Understand the concept of love. I.
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