Running (walking) Marathons and Surviving Local Hardcore Shows
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jas and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:16
What's up everybody? Welcome to our show about motivation and being yourself. That's right. What does our o l reach out for loads show about motivation and love being yourself being yourself. Be yourself.
Unknown Speaker 0:38
Let's find out. I just came back from a petting zoo. That's literally right outside of this building.
Unknown Speaker 0:44
Yeah, random petting zoo that I neither of us knew existed. Wesley went
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to go get a drink from in and out. And I went to go see the free food. But it turns out there was a free petting zoo instead. Where you could pet chickens. It's still food. It's
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just still alive. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 0:59
What do you mean? No. Yeah, it's kind of funny. If you think about it, there's always funny memes outside. So there's one dude, and he's got a number 30 above him chasing another dude with the number 29 Oh, okay. I know what you're talking about. Hilarious. Yeah, super relatable for us. 29
Unknown Speaker 1:18
I usually see the one where it's like the guy screaming at the tornado, but they just text over the tornado. This is like, it's like
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it's our wall staring at your hand. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:29
why don't you like looking past me? I was like, if someone walked in the studio, ya know? It's like, is there a guy screaming at a tornado and like his text on the tornado? This says turning 30 This is like, Oh God, here it comes. Like do you believe
Unknown Speaker 1:42
in ghosts? No, I don't really care whether you believe in ghosts and souls. I think it is sold.
Unknown Speaker 1:49
Sure but like, yeah, things have sold. Like yeah, it was I don't know where I'm like, Go spas members. I have to do anything. Because
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because you're like, Oh, I
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saw something. Nothing goes for fun. Yeah, well, the
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other day I bought like some jackets from some lady for my friend. Right? Because they were like, Hey, I really wanted she was like, just
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from some random lady. Oh, what? Yeah, yeah,
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yeah. Where do you? I don't know her.
Unknown Speaker 2:16
Well, yeah, but like, whatever.
Unknown Speaker 2:19
Anyways, that's irrelevant. Now that I'm
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cursed or something. Are you not allowed to know where they come from?
Unknown Speaker 2:25
I think and it's crazy. I don't know. We have to put this in the video or anything. But there's a video. What's the noise?
Unknown Speaker 2:33
You tapping the table?
Unknown Speaker 2:36
I show you something. Really?
Unknown Speaker 2:37
I was doing show me something on an audio podcast. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 2:40
It's gonna be you're gonna hear it. manias.
Unknown Speaker 2:44
I was heard today that was doing you know, I'm
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a lifelong wrestling fan. And as I who must now WrestleMania
Unknown Speaker 2:50
I got just really happy after that petting zoo. I'm so happy to see some chickens and goats. Look at all those bunnies. They had everything and it says on their card here that they have unicorns llamas goats. Camo unicorn. Yeah, isn't that cool? And pony is? No no, but it says petting zoo to you.
Unknown Speaker 3:09
It's animals for any event. I love it. Actually. I was super happy to see that. The unicorns gotta be a gag though.
Unknown Speaker 3:16
No, I don't think so. I think I
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furniture. unicorns are real actually. Dude.
Unknown Speaker 3:24
That's funny. All right. Okay, so the scary thing I was gonna tell you. I was doing an assignment for one of my classes terrifying and the jacket I got that from my friend because they were trying to go into here do you know there's like a military of military base? Yeah, the middle Nellis? Yeah. Oh, and I'm in here. The studying like so the guy. The the jacket I bought from the lady was from her son. I don't know if her son's alive or dead. But it freaked me out when like, I got the jacket secondhand. Yeah, yeah. And my friend wants it so I'm gonna go I got it for them. But anyways, I got the jacket, and I went home and then I was like practicing piano. This is a scary part. And I And I'm doing the Star Spangled Banner and I'm like playing Star Spangled I don't know if this is some type of spiritual Mojo Jojo or whatever. Oh, could I start feeling like the presence of like some type of like, Oh, they're being around me. And I'm like, ignoring it because I'm trying to finish my piano class. Not class piano homework. And then and then I'm rewatching the videos and then I hear this Yeah, this is me playing the piano
Unknown Speaker 4:34
and he goes straight up to slow motion out of nowhere. Like as if there's a soul there it's grow
Unknown Speaker 4:39
your piano did that. Yeah, no, the video look
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while you weren't showing the video? Yeah, well, they can't see the
Unknown Speaker 4:46
Neither could I you were holding up to the microphone,
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watch the whole thing. And then at the end when I'm done with the piece, it goes back to normal and it does this. Wait for it. It's weird. Wait for it.
Unknown Speaker 5:04
Oh, it was so like your audio got distorted. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 5:08
it was. No, it wasn't audio. It's the whole video. It went. It went like fast motion and then slow motion and I didn't set it to that at all. That's what makes it really interesting. So anyways, do you believe in ghosts was?
Unknown Speaker 5:22
I mean, I guess I have to now. Gosh,
Unknown Speaker 5:25
that was creepy. So I thought I'd share with you guys. Now you guys can have a
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good use man. I'm just confused. What are you confused about?
Unknown Speaker 5:33
But what about this is confusing despite
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the fact that like we, you come in like, Oh, what do you want to talk about today? What's going on? We're talking about events today. Yeah, well, I didn't know trying was supernatural events. We're talking about like, you held them in the Super Bowl, and then
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you go into shows and categorizes it.
Unknown Speaker 5:51
I mean, it's entertaining, but I was like not expecting ghosts in this conversation. Right now. No, I'm just juggling ghosts of my patients as dead and leaves the room.
Unknown Speaker 6:03
No, I just thought it'd be funny to freak you out anyways, so
Unknown Speaker 6:07
wouldn't freak me out?
Unknown Speaker 6:09
Did you go to you have a cool beanie on? Do
Unknown Speaker 6:11
you have a cool beanie on? It's a pink beanie with a graffiti tag logo across the front and sides of it for the band a big boy. Now they are a hardcore band out of San Jose. They are a side project slash sister band of another band from San Jose called tsunami, which are another awesome hardcore band. I would implore anyone who enjoys some some hardcore punk to check out if you don't already know. I did see tsunami two weeks ago now. And then I saw big boy. This past weekend.
Unknown Speaker 6:50
Yeah, yeah. You got a lot of artists the similar music tastes or no? Well,
Unknown Speaker 6:54
no, literally, they're both like the same genre. And then the singer for tsunami is the bass player in big boy. So yeah, they share a lot of members. Hardcore scene tends to do that. A lot of people will, like, be in different bands and under different names, playing different instruments, but they're all like, they all play together and just different configurations. I
Unknown Speaker 7:21
love those like mosh pits that are friendly. Mosh Pits, and
Unknown Speaker 7:25
I was at one of those last minute actually, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 7:26
I love the friendly ones. They're like, Hey, I know. They know if you don't want to get pushed. Or if you do,
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so. Oh, that's not Oh, no, no, no, that's just pit etiquette period. Oh, okay. So like the thing is, is like it pit etiquette is like don't push people into the pit. Don't pull people into the pit. Yeah, no, no, it's, I've seen that happen. What if What if they push you out of the pit? That's what you can't? Is that pit? I mean, that's just getting pushed around it, period. If you if you get pushed out of it, then like, Get up and get back in if you want to. Well, the reason
Unknown Speaker 7:59
why I was asking about the etiquette earlier that you were talking about and seeing like what exactly is pit etiquette? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 8:05
oh, if anyone falls down, pick them back up. Like obviously, like the whole, the whole thing is like, yeah, it's aggressive music and yeah, you're like, running into people and like, throwing like kicks and elbows and flailing limbs and everything. And there can be crowd surfing and pogoing and all kinds of stuff. But like, if someone falls, help them up, or, you know, someone gets thrown like pushed or thrown into the, into the edge of the crowd where the the edge of the pit is, like, you know, push them push them back where they're trying to go like, yes, the moment to catch the momentum and
Unknown Speaker 8:38
push it back. Yeah, cuz when I was working the Super Bowl, or the reason why I was asking, there's a mosh pit. There was a mosh pit almost, by the way. For those of you guys who don't know, I worked the field cast at the Super Bowl. The way I got it is by just like word of mouth or people that I knew. Yeah. So I'm over there. And we're doing rehearsals where we have to like watch the show. And all of a sudden they say we're gonna turn the cameras on and then everyone loses their mind. Yeah, and goes like complete savage mode. So they went from like, a chill environment to a crazy environment. Second, the cameras came on. Yeah. And like they were pushing each other. My friend got kicked in the head twice. Oh, wow. What is going on?
Unknown Speaker 9:15
At the Super Bowl like practice session? Yeah, like for the
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halftime show? Because we were part of the halftime halftime show who Yeah, you can't see us in that halftime show. We were mostly props. But yeah, I was at the Super Bowl. I was working event and all the people were really chill until the cameras. I saw Usher I was really close. Actually, if you guys want to see the full on experience, I recorded it on my Tiktok Bosma underscore singer, and he spelled Bosma B write this down guys. B, A S am a underscore.
Unknown Speaker 9:51
No, because like I didn't, I thought you were only going to spell literally your name, but not bother the other part that everyone probably can parse for themselves. I was put okay, it's worth the
Unknown Speaker 10:01
watch. I would definitely watch it, then you guys can see my full experience. And then also the last thing I was going to say as they let me they had fashion designers over there. Oh, good. I was going to be on stage until everyone lost their mind. Yeah, they so let's change that whole like stage scene where they look like eight people of the whole entire
Unknown Speaker 10:18
everybody hear you're going on goblin mode too hard. We need you to stop putting limits on this now. Yeah,
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it was sad, but it's okay. Because the before they got rid of it, they already gave me an outfit. But at the end of the whole thing, they let me keep it and I love like burgundy pants from fashion from Forever. 21. Okay, and then this cool looking jacket, which I could not find when I was going shopping, which was I was upset about it. But I have it now so I'm not upset anymore. Okay, no longer upset. Yeah, it was fun.
Unknown Speaker 10:47
So I'll take that opportunity to first off that actually sounds like a really fun experience. Mine was like there being like, people going like crazy when there's no need to
Unknown Speaker 10:56
I actually walked a marathon three days ago, like half a marathon not not the whole marathon. So
Unknown Speaker 11:03
wait, well, how do you run half of it was laying Okay, that's that's a whole marathon and then how do you run or walk half of it?
Unknown Speaker 11:11
So my friend a month ago got me to sign up for it. It's called the rock and run, not running rock, run rock and roll. Marathon. Okay. And basically, we had to sign up for it in advance. I paid money for it. I was upset about it. I tried to cancel it the next day.
Unknown Speaker 11:27
I would never I've never I've never heard of having a for a marathon. Mizzu
Unknown Speaker 11:31
I heard of that. That's crazy. And then it was $160 Yes, I
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wouldn't have told walk in public and I can just go home. Honestly,
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it for me it turned out to be worth the money. And I also filmed that on my Tik Tok too if you guys want to go check that out anyways, but he's really
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wants to tick tock engagement you guys Oh, well. I already have a lot of all sorts exoplanet actually posted anything I just say things and show them my friends. Well, basically no person. The
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cool thing about this marathon is that they shut down all of Las Vegas Boulevard for us.
Unknown Speaker 12:01
He was really dope. They make the entire area inaccessible unless you're part of the marathon. We gate keep walking. That's what we do. And you pay to walk that's what makes it capitalism. Baby give me that money for every step
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and ally when I was driving to the event. I was so annoyed. I was like, Why did I oh my
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sarcasm came through with everything I just said visually it makes sense. Maybe just my voice is just like Man, that guy really hates commodification of normal everyday things which is true actually I do it
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was so funny. I was so mad like going to the event couldn't access the event. I was like oh my god, how am I gonna get luckily I know Vegas to get my way around and go to MGM from through you go through UNLV and then you go out a certain like exit and then you go down and go to MGM just
Unknown Speaker 12:49
in case you ever wondered directions with Bosma Thank you. Best directions of Boston. And
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that whole marathon was so long did
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which is the point walked in Did you know how far we want to know it's a marathon How long is the
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from MGM? Oh, all the way all the way to you know that like fireflies? fire breathing monster on.
Unknown Speaker 13:16
Oh, the statue. Yeah, yeah,
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that's where we walk. Wow. That's quite a bit all the way back around. Big circle. Okay, what's crazy? Wow, I was I not you know, upset me though. You
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walked in and how long did that take? It took four hours. I wasn't there and back was four hours.
Unknown Speaker 13:36
I'm glad I walked it though. Because I'm not an athlete in any way, shape, or form. I'm not a runner
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for 10 minutes, let alone Majan even a brisk pace.
Unknown Speaker 13:47
It was crazy. It was actually funny though, because like you're walking down Las Vegas Boulevard and you're expecting to make the left turn at any moment to like, make that up. And then they start making you go right towards the Firefly. And then you're like, what? Do the turn lane is over there. Sorry, I just if you were there, you would understand, but it was worth it. Because at one point in the race, they had a Resorts World like you can be on the Billboard if there there's like a camera that Oh, and then you go and you jump around the camera, and all of a sudden you're on the Resorts World.
Unknown Speaker 14:22
Like it was almost like a big screen
Unknown Speaker 14:25
I taught I always told everybody I'd always be on the big screen one day.
Unknown Speaker 14:31
Bucket List technically. zom 100 Bucket List technically counts. Alright, let's go. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 14:38
it does. Check that right on.
Unknown Speaker 14:42
So you went to a marathon and helped out with the Super Bowl in the past couple of weeks. I have been to many a concert in Henderson Yeah, let's hear about that. Let's hear about those. So go with the most the furthest two most recent. So it was tsunamis coming from San Jose they come through all the time. It's great bulldoze came all the way out from I believe from New York.
Unknown Speaker 15:05
That's amazing. Yeah, like performers do that.
Unknown Speaker 15:10
It's been that was the only time I've been legitimately scared to be in proximity to a pit in my entire life thus far, and I've been to many, many punk shows that I was terrified of being close to where everyone was going crazy, because it really looked like a raging pile of bodies. And everyone was, like, raging as hard as they possibly could. Like,
Unknown Speaker 15:37
are these like grown men like, oh, yeah, these
Unknown Speaker 15:39
like grown people? Yeah, yeah. They're like the shows that American Legion Post eight are always all ages are like mostly all ages. So and this one was to anyone could be there between the ages of like 13 to 5513.
Unknown Speaker 15:54
It's all ages. Yeah. That's young daughter. B. You said you were terrified. Yeah, so imagine them. They're like,
Unknown Speaker 16:01
I know they're getting they're getting a crash course. Man. That's what's going on. That's what you do. I've seen I've seen a completely different show. This was over a decade ago, I saw like, a five or six year old kid with a super tall, bright red Mohawk. Absolutely. beastmode everybody in the pit during a punk show at
Unknown Speaker 16:21
a skate park. In Vegas. You're like, you have to be a certain age to be walking around certain casinos.
Unknown Speaker 16:25
Yeah. Well, this isn't this is a this is a Veterans Hall. So there's not no casino elements. It's just like, here's the here's where the show is. And the other side of the building is here's where the bar is. And that's like literally it. It's really small. Okay, let's see, like low ceiling and everything.
Unknown Speaker 16:43
Went What was your first show? How old ever? Yeah, I was
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11 or 12. And me and my best friend, same best friend I go to shows to now he and he and I went to see real big fish. But
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but you specifically do you feel like you've changed as a person since? I would hope so. Yeah. Because like imagine it's like you're
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similar interests, but like, I guess still like the same person. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Because I feel like for me, like I'm I'm 29 I'm still I still love the same stuff. I love when I was a kid I love I love music like punk rock and wrestling and what percentage? Like,
Unknown Speaker 17:20
I'm the same way. I'm the same way. I still like exactly the same stuff. Yeah, but I feel like a completely different person.
Unknown Speaker 17:27
Well, we should we should grow. I can't say so between seeing two weeks ago roughly seeing tsunami and bulldoze. Super awesome. There were earlier bands besides those two, I'm sorry. I've seen so many bands, shout outs to anyone from any of those bands ever hears this shoutouts. Everyone who's on that bill, even if I don't remember because I've seen so much in a day, but I show up for the whole thing. And I stay throughout the whole thing. Zulu and spy and that was at American or the eagle area Hall in Henderson.
Unknown Speaker 18:00
have never heard of these places every
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time. Like basically like military buildings like that halls.
Unknown Speaker 18:06
Like I feel like I should know these places. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:09
a lot of times you just anything like there's just a lot like multipurpose and like general use, like military or military adjacent buildings that are just for like events that people can just like reserve space. Okay, I think that's the way it works. Anyway, I don't book shows or promote shows, but like, I think that's really what it is just like, hey, we have an event space and you could just like fill up our calendar and pay us whatever and I don't know. Um, anyways, so Zulu and spy, and I forget who else was on this show. Again, really sorry. But spy was incredible. I'd never heard them before. And again, just like more really, really good. Hardcore Zulu is a band that I have been really into this last year because last last year 2023 They released their full first full length album called The New tomorrow. And it's awesome. It's got a long as it let me look up because now I want to know myself. So I can recommend it to people because I know like a long album is not exactly yeah, 28 minutes and 46 seconds on Spotify. That's a good for 15 tracks. And it's mostly like power violence hardcore punk, but there's interludes of like spoken word poetry and like African rhythms slow like spacey like chill vibe kind of cracks in there. I really do. I mean, it's not gonna it's not gonna be for everybody because it's it's very very the intent like part of the genre is power violence is very very fast and aggressive vocals lyrics subject matter band in a niche audience that firstly I mean, punk rock itself can be kind of nice by the power of violence is yeah, my Okay, the more and more abrasive the music gets, the more niche things tend to get. Like the more extreme music gets. Fun thing about Zulu, actually. So we if Zulu is one person, it started with this one guy, and I am Mohammed. When originally went by, I think his last name was les or Li Li. But years ago, like 12 years ago, punk rock bowling, the first one that I went to me and my friend. Well, I forget which day of the festival but one of the first bands of the day, so would have been like, one something to something in the afternoon. Yeah. And there was a band that was just two brothers. And they played like, and they they played like, kind of garage punk sounding stuff, like pretty cool. They were called the bots. And they were like, high school middle. They're like middle school aged kids. Okay, I was like, Oh, that's cool. Because I'm we were I was a senior in high school. So I was like, I was I do there's people playing the festival younger than me. I wonder
Unknown Speaker 21:02
if it's like a family tradition thing people do sometimes. Like, it goes down their tradition. Yeah. I
Unknown Speaker 21:09
mean, like, are the heritage whatever you call it? I mean, if you play if you play if you come from a musical family, yeah. Or can you just enjoy music like some if you grew up in like a musical family where no one plays music that much. But like, they listen to a lot of stuff. I mean, same kind of thing probably inspires people to like pick up instruments and learning all this music. So anyways, so that band called The Bots was the two brothers. And then fast forward all this time later. And a nya from Zulu was the older brother in the bots. And I had seen them that long ago. And so 12 years later, I'm seeing them again. Oh, cool. Yeah. And I didn't I didn't see. It's only one brother from the bots. Yeah. It's only one brother from the bots. But it's just like, Man, I saw you when you were like a kid. Right? Playing punk rock bowling. And like, that's crazy to think it's been like intersections of like, all men, like how long has it been and you're still making music and totally different style, but I really like it. Like all really cool stuff. I didn't mean I didn't like talk to him or anything. But in the back of my mind, I was like, that's really neat that over a decade later, it's like, Man, I'm seeing this. I'm seeing this kid still play. That feel. Yeah, really cool. So shout out to Zulu and Anya. Also fun thing. Um, like I collect records. So I picked up there. They had to, they had two records. One is the new single or the, the, the new, full length, a new tomorrow. And then they had another thing on vinyl. And it was a compilation, LP have both of the EPS that Zulu started with. And they only previously existed on cassette, and now they're on vinyl. So I have both like all of Zoom's cassettes to no I don't, but I have the, but now I have, like, all of Zulus like recorded material of like the two EPs together plus the full length album, like, now on my shelf. And when I went to, like, I was checking out the the copy that I bought, maybe the next day, I looked on the back, and it says, like, the picture of the band, and it has everyone's names. And on an eye as name there was like, it blacked out his last name and they had written Muhammad and pen. So I was like, Oh, he just like recently, like, changed, he changed his name are messed up, or no, no, no, no, because it's like self. It's like self. It's like indie publish. So they very intentionally, like put a little put a little black marker No, like, it said, an ILA or on the original pressings. But this, like this, like, however many amounts that they brought with them on this tour, he went through or someone with the band went merch guy maybe I don't know, went through and took a marker in black and blacked out lay on the limited edition. Yeah, kinda. Yeah. So like blacked out his his name and wrote Mohamed and pen. And not just on the back sleeve, but also on the the insert with the liner notes when I opened it up, and I was like, well, that's kind of cool. Like, because I looked it up on Discogs to catalog my with it into my collection with everything else. And I saw that I was like, well, that's like the that's not on any of these other pictures. I'm seeing like, no one else has mentioned this. So I kind of put in the notes and I was like man, I wonder if he talked about it somewhere to maybe you know, maybe in an interview somewhere to find that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 24:43
don't know. Let us know if you guys find something like that. So that
Unknown Speaker 24:46
yeah, give me some music trivia that'd be fun. Or if you happen to be a member of Zulu and you want to let me know directly and be friends that cool. Saw that CNN that was awesome. This past weekend was Six years of black path booking their a a punk like a punk and hardcore booking in promoting collective, they put on a lot of shows at post eight. So shout out black path. Thank you for six years of putting on the coolest stuff the scene has seen in a long time. And here's to six more years and till infinity real these anniversary shows I went to I went to the fifth year one last year. And it's like a mini fest like a one day mini fest. So music starts at like three, and then goes until like 10 or 11 at night and it's like 12 bands. That's
Unknown Speaker 25:40
so cool. They did that at the marathon. They had like so many different bands like as you're running. Oh, like the people seeing here people seeing their people doing this people like different type of events. It was really cool. That's cool. I also looking forward to going to a comic convention coming up soon.
Unknown Speaker 25:54
You're going to Comic Con. Yeah. Are you at Comic Con or for Las
Unknown Speaker 25:57
Vegas? comic? Something? I don't. Okay, but I'll let you know about
Unknown Speaker 26:01
actually it's just Comic Con but like I know there's always different conventions that happens so it's coming soon. I'm not going but I have friends that go to I have friends that do cosplay I want to do
Unknown Speaker 26:11
cosplay. Oh, it's so fine. I
Unknown Speaker 26:13
did I did the Wizard of Oz like last time I went there
Unknown Speaker 26:16
my friends invited me to go to blurred con and I didn't like cool I don't have money for that. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 26:22
Oh yeah, that's true. My friends invited me to do it. It is expensive it could get really Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 26:26
it was literally the last show the literally last night I'm wearing their shirt right now military gun Oh, I was gonna ask about that. Yeah, yeah, so last night also at Eagle area Hall was it was a really stacked was for man so opener Roman Candle They're a local They're a local kind of like I don't even know like which way like math like math core like brutal like brutal like screamo punk kind of stuff. A roman candle they're local so shout out a Roman Yeah, so shout out shout out Piper because she actually was just great. She's great vocalist, but she also recorded here in the studio one time was on a student show. That's so cool. I got to mean and also she like makes she like does a lot of graphic design for like, bands and merch and other stuff. Really cool design. So shout out Piper. Another band was you went to another events? No, no, no, because it was four bands on the same bill and I'm trying to remember it all. Okay, and I'm struggling to remember the other band because it was the one I didn't know. Spiritual cramp. Thank you. Spiritual cramps. So spiritual cramp was dope.
Unknown Speaker 27:39
He pulled that up quick. Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 27:40
got my Spotify. Yeah. So they're really cool. They're from San Francisco. very, like, kind of keep some surfy guitars in with like, a, like an indie garage rock sound really cool. Really fun, upbeat, just energetic all the way through. really dope. Like I had I had this these two people come up to me randomly at the show last night. Because they're like, oh, yeah, you're being nice. Cool. What is that? What's it say on it? That's
Unknown Speaker 28:06
what I did this morning. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:08
What is that? Yeah. So I you know, I told them we had a big boy you know, tsunami and I'm like, yeah, yeah, so that's like a side project from
Unknown Speaker 28:16
tsunami. Best friends. Do you sound just a socialist?
Unknown Speaker 28:20
I learned their names and then that was one time how social I
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am and then like, every time you talk, you're like, oh, and then I made some new friends. I met some new people.
Unknown Speaker 28:28
I don't I don't go out of my way to meet people. It just kind of happened in public. What do you expect me to just like walk up? No, no, no, because you will if I handle approach people, I don't really approach people I can approach people I don't normally approach to you not because of what you tell stories. It really sounds like you're the they'll ask me the catalyst and a lot of your interactions.
Unknown Speaker 28:48
Yeah, you probably right. I don't know. I the way I think about it, though, is like I normally I'm not talking to anyone almost I'm asking a question. Do you know where it is? Places? Oh, yeah. By the way, I love your shirt. Oh, thanks. Where'd you get your jacket? And then I will You want my jacket? Oh
Unknown Speaker 29:03
my god, you're so cool. You're gonna
Unknown Speaker 29:05
give so much.
Unknown Speaker 29:06
I'll tell you the story about that. Next you gave someone a check. I'll tell you later to tell stories
Unknown Speaker 29:12
or it's just like oh this detail that you wouldn't expect I'm just dropping it in there. Okay, thanks
Unknown Speaker 29:18
for listening guys. We'll see you guys next time.
Unknown Speaker 29:22
Thanks for watching rnfl reaching out for love with baz mama. If you want to check us out, please go to Bosma T at Instagram and Maria Daniela Modica Instagram. See you guys later.
Transcribed by