This is Pontification Manifest!
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K, U, N, V studios.
Unknown Speaker 0:05
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Understand.
Unknown Speaker 0:41
Is me to get headphones on so you can say, what now? What's up? Everybody? How are you guys doing tonight, today, whenever you're listening to this video, I mean, podcast audio, she's she's got streamer brain, everybody, she's always thinking she's streaming. She always thinks there's video. Let's play this game. Guys, no, I'm just trying to play this game. Guys, how did you slither? Yeah, well, did you go to that show last weekend? Oh, yeah. Oh man, the less than Jake show was, oh, it was a transcendent experience. My guy,
Unknown Speaker 1:14
I'm excited. So they played through exactly as it says, on the fly. They played through all of Hello rockview. So that was fantastic. I sang along, screamed along, shouted along, just went hard the whole time, singing every word. That's awesome. I was like in the back of the room too. So like everyone who was going like crazy, crazy, they were like, up in the middle, or they were up in the pit, or like, at the very, very front. And I wasn't trying to do that, because the Fremont Country Club can get pretty packed, right? I love that venue, but it can get really packed in there. So I kind of stayed near the back where I had some room. So I was, like, the one guy in the back just going, like, ah, like, it was great. It was so great. Um, killed Lincoln. Were incredible. They did not play the song that I was hoping for, but that's okay. They really don't have a bad song. What was the name of that concert that you went to, that you're talking about right now? What was the name for those who don't know? Oh, okay, so the the headliner was less than Jake, okay? The second was kill Lincoln, and the third was a band I had never heard of before called title holder. And they were pretty fun. They're like a more straightforward, like, ska punk band, ska like,
Unknown Speaker 2:27
like, roots reggae ish kind of band. They reminded me of this other band that's another ska band from the 90s called the pie tasters. They're pretty good. You're gonna have to listen to them. They were really fun. They are like, have really good singing voices. They're really cool. This is R, O, F, l. It's about reaching out for love, reaching out for live music, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 2:49
and going through what you're going through, talking about motivation, being yourself, talking about what our day to day and week to week lives have been like. I'm still thinking about that word that you said last time you said it was a weenus. Oh, yeah. So I was technically wrong too. So the weakness, yeah, technically wrong. So it's not, it's not the, like, the full elbow and your bone and everything. It's like, the weakness is like the elbow skin that hangs off. You were close when your arm is not, not like when you don't have your elbows close enough. It's the skin on your elbow. It's like something with the elbow, with the elbow. Yeah, right, right. Speaking of concerts, though, earlier, when you said that you went to that, but what was it called? Again, I forgot, for some reason. I forgot the one that I went to, yeah, when it well, it's just the names of the bands. It didn't. It wasn't like a festival, okay? Because you went to, oh, I didn't actually know, okay, so last year, outside of, yeah, it was, I was literally thinking, I want to go to the when we were young concert, and I didn't get to get a ticket for it. They're like, he Wesley was right, yeah, I told you. They're a rip off. Yeah, they're super expensive, yeah. But guess what? There was, like, 65,000 people there. I was like, what? Anyways, I told you 5000 suckers. That was a lot of people. Man, it was right outside of the mint, which is where I was performing, like, one or two of my songs, or not my songs, but just performing a song, like, singing, yeah, your version of songs, yeah, yeah, exactly. And I like, I like, get there, and all of a sudden I look to my right, and it's the whole concert, just like live. And I'm like, watching it. I'm like, Wait, you didn't realize it was right across. I didn't know. I didn't know. I was like, this is dreams do come true, and then you couldn't get in. You're like, it kind of came true. You could watch the whole thing just standing right next to the mint. That was crazy, like I was basically watching the whole concert, but I didn't actually stay the whole time, because parking obviously, yeah, why are you here?
Unknown Speaker 4:49
But if you parked at the Ahern and then they walked, you could have literally watched the whole thing for me on the sidewalk. Yeah, that was crazy to me. Yeah, that's crazy because there's, there was 65,000 people, so the venue must have.
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Been so like, it was really big. It was an outdoor venue, though, right? Wasn't it was outdoors downtown Event Center. Yeah, that's crazy. Probably, yeah, that's right, speaking of which, that is where I will be seeing punk rock bowling next year. Woo. You're gonna be playing punk NO NO NO NO seeing it. So every year I go, me and my best friend go to punk rock bowling, and I the tickets went on sale just this past Friday or Saturday morning. And so despite my alarm not going off in time, I still managed to snag tickets. So 250
Unknown Speaker 5:39
I don't know, to 200 and something odd dollars later, I have my three day festival pass purchased for next Memorial Day weekend. So this year, the tickets didn't come with pre sale codes for when they announced the club show lineups, the after parties,
Unknown Speaker 6:01
but when I'm sure that when the time draws closer, probably I would hazard to guess, like, March, yeah, it's always good to pre, pre buy the tickets. Yeah. Well, if you, if you can, if we can. So the like I said this, this year's didn't come with the pre sale code to get the your club shows quicker and easier and earlier, but we'll get there when we get there when they announce them. So I'm excited.
Unknown Speaker 6:28
No idea who anyone on the bill is yet, but doesn't matter, because it's good every year. So yeah, it sounds like a it'll be a fun event. I might get my tickets. Honestly, you'll be like, What are you doing here? Get out of here. Yeah, dude. I mean, if you want to, I don't, I don't know, like, I don't know how expensive things will get down the pike once they announce, like, sometimes ticket liners, but sometimes tickets get are cheaper when you buy them ahead of time. And then sometimes they're just way more expensive. And then they, like, low I absolutely like, I absolutely like, if I had to get the tier four tickets, which doesn't mean anything in terms of quality, it just means higher price. So like tier one. If I had been on the website right away, as I intended to be, if I hadn't slept or be alarmed like a dingus, it would have been like 160 plus fees. So to have like 200 or two, 220 or 230 plus fees is like, Yeah, but I mean, hey, I've I'll pay up to 300 bucks, which is under what I paid. So I'm happy. And sometimes we plan to go to different concerts and venues or or events, and then sometimes it doesn't turn out the way we plan. And something that I want to say about that is that even though sometimes we plan for things and them not going the way we planned for doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Most of the times, yeah, um, the only time I really would think that is if it comes down to like, uh,
Unknown Speaker 7:50
like, you paid a whole bunch of money and, like, something unavoidable out of your control happens, and then you're like, ah, no refund, or something like, Yeah, or like, a life event or something. And we talked about, like, things out of our control, and how we would manage that those feelings and situations. But just like, thinking about is like, sometimes we think, Oh, it's got to go exactly the way we plan, especially if you're one of those people who have anxiety when you're leaving the house, and you're just like, I'm probably gonna have to see people. And then you start building scenarios up in your really, like, Okay, first off, there's gonna be people, right, right? That's already one strike. I have friends that are basically afraid, not even afraid. Their whole mood switches based off of a plan that they make. Yeah? I think that it's interesting to me, because for me, I never think about the stuff that they think about, yeah, but they're trying to plan it ahead of time, and it's always not funny, but, like, I'm a jerk for saying it's funny, but it's like, when, when, like, the worst possible scenario happens to them, like, like, every time they leave the house. And I was like, Wait, what happened? Wait, they always, it sounds to me like they always plan, right? And then something always happens to like, royally screw that up. Right? Right? Okay, so that is kind of funny, yeah. Like, one time I went with a friend. I like a year over there that is kind of funny.
Unknown Speaker 9:04
Well, one time me and my friend, she's super introverted, we went to Circus circus together. And it was, I have gone to Circus circus multiple times. You talked about it, oh,
Unknown Speaker 9:17
I just,
Unknown Speaker 9:19
that's what I say. That's like, that's where you messed up
Unknown Speaker 9:23
first. L went to circus.
Unknown Speaker 9:25
Well, basically, we went there. And I've never had a random dude approach me while we're just chilling, like at the those arcade games in the in the adventure, in the middle, oh, you're in, oh, you're in the adventure. Yeah, the midway. No, yeah. Well, I mean, either way. I mean they both, there's games upstairs, and then there's games up there. Yeah, I was gonna say there's either the arcades inside adventure dome or there's, like, the the midway in the casino that has all the different right? Anyway, so you're in the adventure we're in the adventure dome. Someone's trying, some random dude walks up to us, and he's like, who goes, What's up? And I'm like, oh.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
Yeah, we're just, you know, playing this air hockey game. And he was like, could not play with you guys. He's got a giant teddy. I was like, Sure. I don't want to be mean. Like, forget it. Yeah, go ahead. And then my friend starts playing. And then, like, obviously, he leaves, and we start, we're just walking. All of a sudden, we see him again. And I'm like, oh, that's, that's the dude. And he's like, sits next to my friend, starts talking to her, this random lady. Did I ever tell you this? I feel like I told you guys a story before, but just in case, this random lady comes up out of nowhere, okay, okay. And she's holding a phone, and she's like, Do you know him? And I'm like, Oh no, I don't know. She's like, you need to leave. And she's like, recording him, like, live, and he's like, she's like, You this person spoke with my daughter, and he needs to go away, and he's been here all day, and then me and my like, I don't know you. Like, everyone's a stranger right now, right? No, but she was upset. She was very upset holding her phone filming him saying that he was not doing the normal, average person at Circus, circus things like, he was trying to hit on girls, and he hit on her 16 year old girl, little, oh, okay, so, and the thing is, that makes more sense now, yeah, like, I thought she was calling you her daughter. No, you don't know this woman. Oh, yeah, yeah, exactly. Like, I mean, I mean, like, like, like, girls should help girls. Like, duh. But like, that was that threw me off for a second. Well, yeah, he was, he was trying. He sat next to my friend, and he was trying to, kind of, I think, like, engage with her,
Unknown Speaker 11:26
I would assume, but like, it was just, it's like, this is not the first time this happened to her. Yeah, like, what are the odds? The weirdest dude then ends up coming up to you and talk. And when I say weird, I mean, like, no one's gonna be filmed randomly by some random lady being like, yeah, you need to leave. And she made a huge scene, yeah, well, I mean, true if, if I had a teenage daughter and some I'm assuming, well, yeah, of course, it's understandable. But it just came up and was like, Hey. I mean, granted, I have definitely met people who I thought were older and they were not. But when I say that, I mean to say, like, I met someone, I thought they were in their early 30s, and it turns out they're in like, their early 50s. I would have never guessed, and I never guessed, like, it's hard for me to guess people's ages, honest. Well, this guy didn't even look or, yeah, like you said, like, I don't know, like, he didn't look like a bad yeah, not to be weird, but not like, not to be weird, but like, someone, not a kid, but Right? And not to be weird when I say this, but it kind of works both ways. Like, if you're talking to somebody and it's like, a nice conversation, and then they dropped that they're like, 16. Like, whoa, my bad. Like, let me leave. Ignore you. I don't even think. I don't know how old he was. I don't know nothing about him, but he didn't look malicious at all. Yeah, neither did Ted Bundy, yeah. So there you go.
Unknown Speaker 12:43
But always have it in the back of your head. Speaking of serial killers, uh, someone I know, someone I know, recently just got married and had a had a kid and her husband, which is weird to say, um, looks like Walmart. Jeffrey Dahmer, okay, and I just want to put that out there. That's all I know. I don't like him. That's all I'm saying. I just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just talking a little bit of crap, because I can this reminds me of, like, there we had a podcast before. We didn't end up airing this one, but I was just sitting there drawing. Okay, you could go ahead and follow. Explain to you I found out why I was drawing, that you found a why you were drawing. Okay, guys. So there was a couple weeks ago there me and Bosman tried to do a recording session, and we just the magic wasn't there, the spontaneous energy wasn't quite there. We really, like, I mean, for as much as we really don't focus on any one thing, just
Unknown Speaker 13:40
as a one time. For some reason, this is particularly, like an uneventful and like uncoordinated event, right, right? And so we're sitting here recording, and as she's talking, Bosma has, like her notebook paper, and she keeps she's telling me she's drawing, she's drawing circles, and then she's telling me she's drawing these circles and inside the circles and extending across outside of the circles, or like, x's right? She's telling me, Oh, these are like circles, and then like, a big X that extends, like, larger than the circle, yeah, yeah. So he's watching, but I'm watching her do it and and he's just, like, freaking out, they're really not, yeah, they're not. X is in where the angle that you're drawing at was not x's, it was straight up, like a target scope. Yeah. I'm like, Bosma, you are drawing the Zodiac Killer symbol right over and over and over and over. And she's telling me. She's like, No, it's an X. And I'm like, You're literally making like, I'm watching you're saying an x, and then I'm watching you go vertical axis, horizontal axis, and you're calling it. How else are you gonna draw an X? You gotta
Unknown Speaker 14:48
go diagonal. But, oh yeah, I forgot we're not doing it in his perspective. From his view, it looked like it was, it wasn't, uh, I watched your hand, and they did not go Diag.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
It was doing this, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 15:03
Anyway, so apparently we have an update. She has found out how I found out why I was drawing that symbol. Because right before this podcast, I go to jazz combo class, okay? And when I say class, I just mean, like, I'm just the singer in jazz combo. Oh, technically, it is a class, yeah, because anyway, you're paying for it.
Unknown Speaker 15:23
Actually have not paid for this one yet. Hey, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna get into that class. So basically, we had the jazz combo class, and then right after I go to see Wesley, and in my jazz combo for music, the coda is basically that sign. It's a circle.
Unknown Speaker 15:42
Yeah. So COVID, by the way, is like, where you repeat a certain section in the music, or you just repeat and go back to the to the beginning of the music. Aren't cotas meant to signify something that repeats, but it's the last thing until the song ends. It's like, yeah, it's like, towards the end, but then they'll put or, usually it's towards the end, but sometimes it's in the middle, but then it's like, hey, go back to the beginning. I go back to this where we put the other co design. Well, that's fitting then that a coda symbol might have also been used by the Zodiac Killer because he was ending people's lives. I was confused when he said he's like, why are you trying to steer it? I was like, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker 16:17
I don't know. I know, possessed by the spirit of this. And then I like, noticed that I saw the same sign in my jazz combo sheet music, and I was like, I was drawing a I was trying a codo
Unknown Speaker 16:29
because I drew it multiple times. I just wanted to tell you that, because I was like, I gotta clear my name. Like, are you like? I just want you to know I'm not sympathizing with a with an infamous I want to talk about our personalities as humans. Okay, when you look at someone on a TV show like an actor, like, obviously, sometimes they have acting scenes where they're just acting in other situations, it's their being themselves, right? But then, like, I feel like a lot of personalities shift when they become successful, quote, unquote successful. They are successful technically, but like they start talking a certain way, and I feel like it changes their personality from when they started. You know, when it comes to art, a lot of musicians, not musicians, I won't say music. I'll just say lyricists.
Unknown Speaker 17:17
They'll like, they'll like, make the most crazy lyrics for their songs, like, something that will go against the norm, something that will like, make people like that. I'm not even gonna go into the examples, because you guys can just think of any random, crazy lyric that you're like, what did they just say that will make you think like, well, that's, that's, that's crazy. Gonna say whatever you think is an insane lyric really depends on what genre you're listening to? Well, yeah, that too. But even all genres, I've heard something where someone comes up with some crazy lyric, unless it's classical, I don't think I've heard it in classical, obviously. Um, if you're religious out there, you probably avoid music like that, period, like, but, but, like, you know, sometimes you'll be in a store, or you'll just be listened to the radio, and then you hear the song, and you're like, What the heck? Sometimes they're just playing cupcake on the radio, but you'll be listening to that. It makes me wonder, like, why do they go that? Like, obviously, I know money, obviously. But, like, but like, is that a character? Are they? Are they creating? A lot of times, a lot of times when people have, like, very, like, extreme lyrics or just like, like, bombastic lyrics, like that plays on time. Yeah, yeah. Then they're like, playing a character. Okay, okay, I thought you're about to say they're, they're talking about their lived experience. I don't know like, if I don't know like, people have been, people have been dumb enough to put such I forget exactly who it is, and because it just kind of made me roll my eyes and go, Well, if someone finally did it. But, like, there's literally, like a rapper who went to prison because he wrote a rap song, you know, a lot of rap songs, you know might have, might or might not have content that talks about, like gang banging and like right violence, and like street crime and like, whatever, right? But like, you would think smart enough to be like, I'm never gonna rap about so many details that they could build a case. This guy was like, no, let me. Let me write a whole song, and in it I'm telling you exactly all of the illegal activity that I did, up to and including the murder I committed. Yeah, it's insane. It really is. It makes me wonders, like, Is this because, like, we can't tell as the viewers, as the listeners, we can't tell when they're when it's their character snitched on themselves and when it's the reality exactly. Yeah, but that, that, that being said, like, I feel like that affects people's perceptions of of the artistic industry, anything with art, because, because of these scenarios where they're like, why did you say that? Is that just your life? Is that how you are? Choice? Yeah, yeah. Like, Is that who you are? Because if that's the case, then who wants to be like that? Like, we don't want to fall on your foot. Says, And they start talking a lot of trash about about certain, you know, like careers. And I feel like.
Unknown Speaker 20:00
That's that needs to, like, over time. I'm hoping by the time that, like, 510, years from now, that that goes away, where, where we, where people don't judge careers based off of that stuff, like, that's off of what? Part off of just, like, just the fact that other people in that field have done certain things like that, like, where they are talking about, oh yeah, I made the song, and it was, it was obnoxious, but, you know, it was actually a character. Is like, was it a character? Oh, you talking about, oh, you're talking about, like, people, people doing and saying and getting away with ridiculous stuff. Because, okay, well, I mean, like, I don't want it to affect like, because a lot of, especially if you're cultural or religious or anything like if you're if people in your family or people you know are watching these persons doing these things, and then the person is like, I'm rich, so that means I'm successful, yeah? And that means I could act these certain ways, yeah? And you can do it too,
Unknown Speaker 20:58
yeah? So interesting, you. Okay, now I see kind of what picture you're painting here. They're info. This is why people say, Oh, this person's influencing our children, our next generation of children, or that's its own. That's its own dog whistle. I mean, there's a lot that goes into it, though, and it makes you think, like, like, for example, if I have someone I look up to, and then someone's like, oh, that person's terrible, yeah, because of X, Y and Z, and it's like, dang, okay, well, why did that? Why am I looking up to this person? Yeah, in these ways. If I always think of what makes if I'm get along, my thought is almost kind of the opposite, like, I not opposite, but like, inverse. I would think, if I know somebody, I have a rapport with somebody, I have a friendship with somebody, I feel like I know somebody, and then a bunch other people come out and be like, No, actually, they suck. And I don't. My first thought is, well, then why are they cool to me? Like, why are that's exactly what I was why? Yeah. What makes me we start questioning special, which is good, the people, yeah, to question these, yeah, but it makes you wonder. It's like, Hmm, like, do I have the ability? Yeah? Well, yeah, we were about, it's always good to think about these things, I would think, because it gets you to learn more about yourself. If we were, if we were living in someone's shoes. Why are people so quick to judge? Yeah, I have had so many situations too with me where, like, I'll be online, and then they'll, like, make fun of my nose or something related to that, and I'll be like, Okay, well, why are you guys talking about that? Be like, boo, low hanging fruit, get a better joke. Oh yeah. Like, I'm just getting an example. I know I also don't want to, I don't also don't want to encourage anyone to actually, like, get better insults.
Unknown Speaker 22:39
I'm a sensitive person, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. But I've also been on the receiving end of enough, like criticism or not even criticism, no, really. Like Enough, enough verbal, enough criticism, like not even criticism, because it's not helping us grow. Right? Right? That, yeah, exactly like, really, when I say criticism, I mean being critical, yeah. I mean being judgmental, judgment. I mean being, like, jumping to conclusions. I mean, I mean, like, and they're for things that, like, make honestly, wild assumptions. You know, they don't even matter. Yeah, they don't and so, and that exact point, that's kind of why I was saying, like, almost, who cares not? Because how, how will really cutting remark might actually make you feel that does matter? If something really does upset you, then, like, the fact that you are having those feelings and that reaction does matter, but in terms of exactly what you were just pointing out there that, like, like, it's not going to help their live exactly, if it's just a bunch of noise at the end of the day. So what it's and I think it's because, though, because I've looked into this, I think it's people do that because they are taking the trauma or abuse, yeah, that they've gotten their own lives and they're throwing it on. Some people are just Yeah. People might be going through difficult times and throwing it other people, I think a lot of times, other people, it's not even like what has been done to somebody, as much as it's also, at the same time what, like, whatever is going on in their life, or has been the story of their life to that point, they've just been miserable enough that that now they're finding joy in saying things like, yeah. They feel they feel better tearing somebody down because misery loves company. Oh, there you go. Yeah. Company thing because they feel like, Oh, this is a group of people we could all make fun of the same person. When you approach any and all conversation with like a, you want to be a debate Lord B, you think debate is the be all, end all, and C, everything that you're saying and arguing for is in bad faith. This is the same thing I heard from somebody I used to be friends with and they wanted to do contract law. Okay, so imagine this perfect person telling me the worst thing you've ever heard in your life, that depends on the context of what I'm about to say, that this could actually be a good thing, or it could be the most like avoiding proper consequences and like avoiding blame, okay, and like shifting the goal posts you ever heard, the best kind of correct is technically correct, okay, okay. You think I'm.
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Skivvie that because then, then that will basically say there, there's, you know, the legal way. I didn't do that. It's literally, like, loophole 101, right, right, right? Because you can't prove that they're arguing in bad faith, right? Nobody brings it up, because the way that debate lords, and I can't stand them, the way they all think is, I'm really, really good at debate, and I'm really, really good at being specific, in particular about what exactly leaves my mouth. So they can't say, oh, I didn't say that, right? Because then they can dog whistle their way through everything, then they can have deniability. I think, I think we're kind of hitting on this, on this theme for this whole episode, is like, how can you, how can you be certain that somebody, when they are either trying to be successful or they are in their continuing success, how do we know that they're being genuine with their intentions, or that they're being authentically themselves? Yeah, I think that's like something I'm trying to figure out these days. I don't have an answer per se right now, because, like, it looks like sometimes people are just very judgmental of that person's life, and they can't tell, like, when a certain person is being an actor versus when they're being themselves. Obviously, there's situations like you said, where they're like, Okay, that's completely not acceptable behavior there, right? And you shouldn't be, like, putting scenarios where you're like, oh, technically, when you're speaking, but that being said, people don't realize when they are doing these things, no, and that's what makes it crazy. I feel like that's the cause of a lot of issues in life. I feel like it should be said because we haven't mentioned it explicitly, but it kind of feels like we should of, like we always bring up like existential questions. And so when we say that we're trying to find like solutions and answers and we're trying to get like, we're trying to figure things out, we kind of already know that we're talking about things that don't have definitive yes and nos, that don't have like, quote, unquote easy answers, right? You know, it really is just kind of like sanctification. Yes, there you go, and we're pontifying,
Unknown Speaker 27:05
Unknown Speaker 27:08
I kind of like that. Actually, I made that up. I like that. I don't know. Might be a word. Let me look it up. It might be, you can look that up, but speak or behave in pompous or dogmatic manner. Definition of quantify. Wow, it really exists. Yeah, I used to say that in the past when I was doing my psychology.
Unknown Speaker 27:29
Okay, bye, guys,
Unknown Speaker 27:31
that's funny. I
Unknown Speaker 27:40
concept of love.
Unknown Speaker 27:50
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