"You do what you can." - Robert "Granddad" Freeman, The Boondocks
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K, U, N, V studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Understand. Is,
Unknown Speaker 0:38
what's up everybody?
Unknown Speaker 0:40
What's up everybody?
Unknown Speaker 0:41
We have some exciting news to talk about, and we also wanted to talk about some motivational stuff. Welcome to R, O, F, l, reach out for love with Bosma and Wes Lee quince.
Unknown Speaker 0:54
What is love, baby? Don't hurt me. You know what that reminds me
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of? Night the Roxbury,
Unknown Speaker 1:04
yes, yes. How'd you know?
Unknown Speaker 1:06
Because that's the only thing anyone knows that song from, is SNL and night the Roxbury, yeah, it's
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awesome. Yeah. Unless
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you're just a fan of 90s one hit wonders and like Euro dance music.
Unknown Speaker 1:17
There is an event that I recently performed at. Well, I already told you guys about it the mint when I was singing, yeah. And I had a total movie moment over there. I know I just, like, totally jumped up.
Unknown Speaker 1:28
You had a movie moment. I had a movie. What do you mean? Like, like, it felt like you were in a movie. Well, I
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actually didn't feel like I was in a movie in the moment. But then my friends watched the video of me performing, oh, and then they were like, Whoa. You had like, a total like movie moment, like Lady Gaga on A star is born. The only, the only time I've actually felt like I was having a movie moment was when you know that game something your boss. I don't know how to explain it. It's like, where do you like, press a button and then he beats up your boss.
Unknown Speaker 1:55
I don't know, beat your boss. I
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guess something like that. There's, there's a game like that out there. And I was just like, really sad, just in bed, just like, playing the game and hitting the same button over and over. I didn't even have I didn't have a job at the time.
Unknown Speaker 2:14
Every time you're crying, you just throw your punch. Yeah, I was just
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pressing the button. And then my friends called me, and then I was just telling her, I canceled on so many people today, and I feel terrible about it. And then she was just like, what's that noise in the background? And I was like, oh, yeah, I'm just pressing the same button over and
Unknown Speaker 2:30
just the sound effect. Yeah,
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that was the only time I felt like it was a straight up movie moment. That's funny, yeah, but the mint wins. The performance I did at the Mint was really good. Actually, it was terrible. Actually, now that I now that you think it's terrible, no, it was terrible. Oh, it was, like, objectively terrible. Yeah, cuz, oh, so I got asked to sing last minute, and you're told
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never to sing again.
Unknown Speaker 2:53
That's what I was expecting. Oh, wow. Okay. Because, um, so, so my this, this performance is set up by my professor, right? He set up a whole gig for his students. He cares so deeply about his students. He is probably one of the best professors that I've ever had, nice just the fact that he cares so much like he will set them up for success. And so I, I was offered to sing at the event, and I was going to ask if I could sing again, because I've already sung there a couple times, right? And so we were supposed to sing, but I kind of asked last minute. So he was like, of course you can, but what are you going to sing? And so I said I would sing Rolling in the deep. And so
Unknown Speaker 3:37
that's what a song to pick, too, yeah. And
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he he knows that I'm very confident when it comes to a whatever you need me to sing, I'm there. I'm gonna sing it for you. And so when I got there, he, he already had his set list, but he didn't really, I didn't see the set list, so I didn't actually know what song I was about to sing first, and it was the first song I sang. Was apparently a duet with me and him, which did not go as planned. I'm gonna tell you guys know that, right? Actually, probably not. Yeah, it did not go as planned. But when I sang the second song, it also did not go as planned.
Unknown Speaker 4:13
Every song I sang did not go did not go as planned. That's funny. It
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actually was kind of scary, because I was on stage and I was singing the song, and my professor was playing the piano, the piano was out of tune completely. Like, it was, No, it was terrible. That's
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like, that's, that's the real omen of, like, this is cursed, yeah, it was bad. Like the instruments are out of tune and there's nothing you can do, yeah? And
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so I was, like, signaling to him. I was like, Hey, let's, let me just do it acapella. And he's just like, oh, no, you're not like, I don't know.
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Just keeps playing it. And then I was like, I gotta ask
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again, please, let me do it acapella. He's like, Okay, you want to do it acapella? Go ahead. And I'm just like, standing there in front of a whole crowd, and I have to basically sing Rolling in the Deep by Adele in front of a whole crowd with an out of tune with Pierre. With no piano now, because it's all no playing. Let me just do this acapella. When you sing it by myself, correct? I've seen Pitch Perfect, yeah. So when, when you start? I was like, I looked at the crowd, and I was like, All right, guys, dear, chance is to help me out right now. So I told them, let's start clapping like this. And then so the crowd was very supportive, and they started clapping, and then all of a sudden, I started singing, and I'm going to tell you right now that was probably one of the best performances.
Unknown Speaker 5:29
Okay, personally, like you felt that you that sang, well, yeah, like,
Unknown Speaker 5:34
I did see it was one of the best, like, okay, and when I when you were saying
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the worst earlier, you meant, like, the entirety of the thing was just messed up, like the whole thing last minute, but then when you came down to you and your voice, that was okay, that was good, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 5:49
yeah, exactly. And obviously it wasn't my best work, because, uh, I wasn't well rehearsed enough going on, yeah, yeah. But it was like a straight up movie moment I started seeing, they started clapping, and then I think towards the end, they started singing with me, and when I finished, I the whole entire like room, yes, like, was super loud. Like, great. I wasn't even expecting that to be that loud, awesome. So you
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ended up getting like, an ovation, basically. Oh,
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big time. Hey, all right. And so much so actually, that someone you're
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telling me that you reached out to that audience for, for, for what love was that they loved your voice, they reached out for love. I had to force it, but they loved
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it so much, actually, that at the end of the day, I thought my professor was gonna be like, what was that? Because, like, it was, it was a terrible performance at the beginning, but then at the end, I totally changed into something else that we never rehearsed. We didn't, we didn't put into play. And someone came, apparently, to at the end, to my professor, and they were like, I work for the newspaper, and I want to write a column about how courageous she was, and that was one of the best performances. All right,
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there you go, like, whoa.
Unknown Speaker 6:58
So did you do the interview? And have you been he
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said he's gonna interview me for the next performance for December 7. Cool. Well, you
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can, then you can shout out the show. Yeah, I'm excited. Like, I have, I have a million hopes and dreams. In fact, here is a list, and it's like 10 million. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 7:14
Another thing is, one of my friends neighbors was, uh, they showed up last minute because they were like, What are you doing? I was like, Oh, I'm just performing at the Mint. You know, it's just, it's a couch. I'm
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just performing the mint. You know, they
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were like, What did you just say? You're performing, like, near the strip? What? Wow. And then I was like, oh, but you don't have, like, I didn't think that they would show up. They literally showed up. And they brought their producer friend, who apparently is an audio engineer. He's not a producer, he's an audio engineer, yeah, and he was, like, very similar, very Oh, yeah. Practically, I would say they're Yeah, but they, they feel like it's very different, because I'm sure they do, but I know that they, they know how to do both. You know, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 7:51
I don't even know if I consider myself and an engineer or producer or what, because I just kind of do a little bit of whatever. Yeah, around here. That's
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exactly what what he said, Yeah. And I met him at the end of the night, yeah. I was like, thanks so much for showing up. I didn't actually expect you guys to come. Yeah, last minute. And then they were like, Oh, well, you know, we're here. We wanted to come. He told me to come out. There was like a magic show. I wasn't the only one singing. There was a magic show, a comedian, other singers. It was, it was a, it was a really cool show, but he basically told me exactly what you just said, Okay. He's like, I feel like you need to start putting your music out there, because if you don't have your originals completed and out and recorded, and then start making your YouTube channel, like, better, bigger, yeah. I was like, Oh yeah, I really want to, but, you know, I'm one person, like, you can't film yourself for a whole music video, yeah, but he's like, Oh, I'm gonna show you some techniques to get that all up and ready, and so you can actually shoot your own stuff. Hey, I thought that was really nice. I really know how to do most of it. But I was
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gonna say you literally, I record a student who comes through a few times every semester, and she's in like, theater, and she'll just sit, she'll give me a USB drive full with, like, instrumentals from musicals, and she'll just tell me what she wants me to queue up, and I'll put it in the multi track, and then I just listen to her sing. And also she just says, literally, right here, and just belts it out, and it sounds great with the microphone so, like, it can be done here, yeah?
Unknown Speaker 9:17
Because this is an SMB, right? Yeah, that's the exact mic that I that I know that that's really, yeah, voice, when you're talking about performing, she just performs live here. She just, like, randomly starts me, if you guys ever want me to do that, I got you. You guys ever want
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me to do it, email me. Tell me how much you want to hear me sing,
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do that for the show. That's funny. What's been new with you?
Unknown Speaker 9:40
Um, not a lot good if I, if I can, be fully transparent. Um, my mom's oldest sibling, her her only brother, um, passed away very suddenly this past weekend. Oh, my God. He was 71 his soul rest in peace. Yeah, he was 71 he had just been. And, like, elated, and talking to the family about, oh, I just lost like, 2527 29 pounds. I'm like, I'm back to my weight when I was in in the Navy, back when I was, like, in my 20s or 30s or whatever, right? And, um, he, my family has a long history being involved in, like, Fife and Drum Corps, Civil War music and reenactment type of stuff, right, right? And he's always done that, doing the drumming specifically. And he was on Saturday. It was this past Saturday, and he had a he was out doing, doing their usual Fife and Drum Corps little meetup and a little a little play, and doing their thing. And he just had a heart attack out of nowhere. And, my goodness, heart attack. Yeah, they tried to revive him for an hour, and they couldn't do it. Heart
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attacks have been increasing, like, lately a lot. Yeah, it's because of COVID. Yeah, because of COVID. That's from what I've heard. Yeah, I'm sorry for your loss. I actually been thinking about death a lot lately too. Like, not to, like, totally like, bring you into an even more the
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first part of the show is reach out for love. The other part of the show is less. Go to depression. Reach out for death. That's what it is, yeah. No, the cold ice
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raft. You got rough.
Unknown Speaker 11:12
Got rough, man, you got reached out for death. You got all wrong. The Grim Reaper said, Come with me, my child. No, no,
Unknown Speaker 11:19
yeah, yeah. I actually went to go see a psychic recently. I'm sorry, why it was a by accident almost. Well, that's about how that happens. Yeah. I was like, oh, and she told me some because I was actually talking about someone who passed away as well. He he was someone I used to work with, and he got basically entered, oh yeah. He got on a live. He got unalived. We can say murder. We're not on Tiktok how to like, how to like, talk about, but it is a guy was talking to her about it and how much it affected me, and she just said, you should just pray for, for you know, that person, sure, and the obviously bad things happen, which I was just like, okay, because that death actually affected me a lot, because they were so young and stuff for their life so but I shouldn't talk too much about like, dwelling on certain things. But obviously never forget that person. Always remember them for the good
Unknown Speaker 12:11
I was gonna say dwelling when it comes to these things, can only really be quantified if you feel like, like you're not dwelling on something, if you're still processing, like, thoughts and feelings and emotions and like getting through it. But I do think it turns a corner and dwelling when you're literally just, like, taking the worst of your thoughts and your feelings and you're just looping them right right then, and then you're really dwelling, because, like, then you're you put yourself kind of in this, in this pattern. And, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 12:42
that's actually a pattern that also happens outside of this specific subject, yeah, outside of death. Like, for example, if you have a mental illness and you're like, Oh, I've been thinking of this day when I was younger, and this happened reoccur. Like, in your mind is reoccurring. It's like, like, Oh, if it wasn't for this one thing, I'll give you an example, yeah, by the way, just rip for every single person we brought up on the left, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 13:08
yeah. Or the podcast, Uncle Chuck, we love you, buddy. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:12
I'm very sorry for your loss and and for my losses. And everyone else out there who has lost a loved one. We are, we are here for you. We feel for you. We understand, and just make sure to stay around, you know, other people when you're in this time, yeah, yeah. People are. I know it feels like you want to be alone sometimes, but it's like, the more people you're around, the better it is, you know, build, build that love up, fill, fill that void with Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 13:38
like you're not no one's a burden because they're having a hard time. Like nobody's nobody's big feelings or complicated feelings or complex feelings are actually a burden. Like you're only ever, you're only ever considered a burden by a person that doesn't have the capability or the desire to hold space for you,
Unknown Speaker 14:03
yep, yep. So if they're but they might be also struggling with their own thing.
Unknown Speaker 14:07
So Nourse, of course, there's also people contain multitudes. There's always nuance to things. You're right, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 14:12
And you know, you can be thinking of reoccurring things that are aside from certain events that happen. Like, for example, if someone comes up to you and they're saying, they say something, and it keeps popping up in your head, and you're just like, they said that thing. They just really like, this is something I actually learned recently, is that when, when you keep thinking about a negative feeling or or something that's negative that's occurred, or, yeah, yeah, the best way to combat that, right, is by meditation, prayer and just, you know, really tending to yourself and whatever way that you feel
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calm. I was gonna say, like, it depends on the person I know. There's different types of meditation out there, and I know that there's like, people can connect through like, prayer or spirituality, whoever, however fits them best. But like, yeah, I. Yeah, yeah, because I think it's a form of basically trying to get over it by it's a healing it's basically a form of Yeah. We're allowing ourselves to to heal through the trauma. You're right, yeah. We're processing our feelings. We're processing our emotions, and we're kind of just yeah, the best thing to do is just let like, let your thoughts exist, let your feelings exist. And like, like, literally, like, allow think about, think about your, your, your, your body, just being there and existing and think, Okay, I have this feeling in my body. I'm gonna let it I'm gonna let it be like, I'm gonna let it feel the way it feels. I'm gonna breathe through it.
Unknown Speaker 15:38
Breathing through it is really good. Yeah, I like, the breathing period I had,
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I had to do that. Like, I literally the other like, I wasn't, I wouldn't say I was really, really close with my Uncle Chuck. He was always cool. But growing up, all of my family, like, lived, like, different places around the country, so it wasn't, it hasn't always been like, it hasn't been a thing in my life where, oh, we have all these family get togethers, like, really frequently, or see each other really frequently. So I wasn't close with them like that. But when I did speak with them, when I was when I we were around each other, when I did get to know him, it was like, Oh, you're really cool and and I miss them. And the other day I was, I was like, sitting there and like, just kind of like letting the letting the the sadness and kind of letting the depressed feeling just kind of exist. Because, yeah, the last thing that we need to do when we're going through the worst of things and going through the heaviest things is trying to force ourselves to have what we think of as positive emotions. No, I agree with that. Force, yeah, and force ourselves to always, everything's fine. Actually, it's like, no, no, no, don't Yeah, it's okay to feel those emotions. Delusion is not helpful. I agree. Delusion does not help when it comes to these things.
Unknown Speaker 16:54
Yeah, I think it's important to feel like fully feel emotions, but also be surrounded by people you love and who love you being around you in those situations. And I also think that sometimes we dwell. When I say dwell, I mean like reoccurring thoughts happen where we keep thinking about certain situations that you know just pop up and bring certain feelings back. Yeah, and I think that that is a part of the healing process as well, but you really have to allow yourself to breathe through it like Wesley was saying, and kind of let it go in a way where you're like this person, this energy, this feeling, this emotion, is not I'm not going to allow this to overtake my mind, in this in this moment, and make me feel a certain negative emotion or feeling that you know is hurting you. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 17:39
it's the hopelessness for me, that's what I've been I've been struggling with a lot of hopelessness in the last week or so. Very easy
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for us to go straight to those feelings. But the best way to combat those feelings is to remember that you when you sit by yourself and you're doing stuff that you actually do. This is, this is how I get over it. Yeah, I start thinking of things that I actually want to do in the moment and that I actually enjoy, genuinely enjoy, which is something that growing up, I didn't really get to do so much often, just right for trying to survive or trying to make people that I love happy, or whatever reason that I was trying to do to get away from that, just from the things that I really enjoyed, Is that when you're doing things that you enjoy, you start to realize, okay, I'm okay. And once you realize you're okay, then you start the healing process even more. And you have to keep doing that. It's not just a one time thing, though. Yeah, no, I
Unknown Speaker 18:33
do that a lot where I need to remind myself, like, hey, you know the world isn't ending, or at least it isn't ending right that moment. And then, like I get stuck in the I get stuck in a lot of despair and hopelessness lately, and it also doesn't help this time of year with seasonal depression is way worse for me. But I really just I remember that there's things that keep me going. I remember that there's people that care. I remind myself that how I'm feeling right now, despite how it feels, it will not last forever. I'm
Unknown Speaker 19:13
gonna, I'm gonna be a spokesperson to that, because I have, actually, recently, yeah, been going through. And this is when I was talking about that game where I was pressing that button, yeah, and I was really, I was like, Oh, it was a while ago. It was actually very recent. It was very recent, and I was very down and thinking a lot of very negative thoughts about how I was thinking, Okay, well, all these people are saying all these negative things, and I went through all these traumatizing things, and I also lost loved ones. And it just makes you sit down and think, Oh, what is the point? What is the purpose? What is, what am I? What is, what is, what am I here, right? Yep, and the way I got through that is, obviously we reach out to people, you know, people we love, people we know, care about us. We I've spoke about to a professional. Know as well about it be like, I don't know what to do in these situations. Got their input, and then I also spoke with random people, just like hearing their input, like, how do you? Or watched random YouTube videos or listen to podcasts like this one to see what did they do to get through those feelings and emotions. Because for me, I felt like it was almost devastating. I felt like, like, what if? What is the point? What? How do I know that it's going to be worth it
Unknown Speaker 20:27
exactly? Yeah, and that's, that's how I felt. Yeah, that's me too. That's why. That's why. Like, and I've said this since as long as we've had the show, and that's that if you can do, if you can't do anything, the very least you can do was show up exactly, and kind of to speak to the same thing when, when my uncle died, I was my mom's my mom is the youngest of four, and my uncle was the oldest. And my mom, of course, was immediately shocked when she got the phone call. And it was like, she told me immediately she that whole first day, she's like, I'm just numb, yeah. She probably hits you randomly, like, it's a random Yeah. And so she was telling that over this past weekend. She was saying that to, you know, she was on calls and group chats with and group texts with, with family members, and just saying, part of it was, I'm just numb sometimes, and then I'm fine, and then I fall apart, and then I'm fine then fall apart. I was really happy to kind of overhear that like, okay, she's, you know, she's going through these motions, but she's, like, allowing the cycles of, I'm good, I'm not good to happen, which is good. But initially, she just kept saying, Wes, I don't know what to do. So I just said, you know, I kind of echoed a sentiment from a granddad and the boondocks where, you know, he goes, you know, you do what you can. And so I told my mom that over an hour said, You do what you can, you do what you can. That's great advice. Yeah, thank you. Yeah. That
Unknown Speaker 21:50
was great advice. Because, like, there's a lot of situations like that where, not just for the one that you're talking about, it made me, for some reason, think about bullies, yeah. And when you're in a situation, not that her family members were no no, no doing anything like related to but it did remind me of the concept of bullying, because you'll be talking to your bully, and then they'll say something, and it doesn't affect you really in that moment as much. But then you think about it later, and you're like, wait, I it sticks with you. It's stuck with you exactly. So that feeling of like I didn't, it's kind of like a feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, like we're like, I want to help. I want to do more, but for some reason I'm not, and it's because of something people said or did,
Unknown Speaker 22:29
yeah, yeah. It's the way, it's kind of the way that people kind of frame you and then put you in that frame. Yeah? So I ended up telling her, I said, Yeah. I started with, you know, you do can. And then, and then she kind of told me how she was being talked around and not too and I said, Mom, sometimes, even though it doesn't feel like like the right thing to do, or like a polite thing to do is just kind of assert yourself a little bit. So I had said, you know, I'd said, Okay, well, you and I are talking right now. How, how? Like, what do you think you could do to show up for someone in the family who needs it? My mom is very much a child at heart in a lot of ways, and so I said, Mom, maybe you can just focus on doing something nice for the kids. You can you can support them. You can give them a gift, or you can give them condolences, or, yeah, because whatever
Unknown Speaker 23:26
it is when, when a family death happens, it's very difficult, because a lot of family members, they try to get in, to put in their input, right? And it can get very chaotic, and
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then that was the starting point, and then the rest of it just kind of feels like it's happening so quickly. My mom felt lost in the shuffle, until I kind of reminded her, hey, they're worried about all of this, like, official, like, death and bereavement stuff. And that's, you know, obviously, duh. But like, Hey, if you're feeling out of the loop, you know, so do these kids. So maybe I, like, I like, what you said, maybe be them
Unknown Speaker 23:58
lost in the shuffle, lost in the shuffle thing, yeah, that's really good. Yeah. That's like, basically what, what it
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feels to like, when you feel like you can't do anything and you just have to kind of wait for things to have
Unknown Speaker 24:10
exactly, yeah, yeah. And the advice you gave her was really good, if just help in whatever way that you see you can, yeah, yeah. And even though it doesn't feel like
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a lot, I was just gonna say that it doesn't feel like, it feels like a platitude, like an empty platitude, right? Like, like us showing up. For example, yeah, you just show up. Just show up. Yeah? But it's like, it's literally just a matter of, like, even if it sounds dumb, it's like that the one thing you can do is show up. The one thing you can do is think kindly and softly to yourself, you know what? What can I do? You do the best you can. Okay, well, what is that, you know, and it's, and it's less the impetus of performance, and more, just like, No, no, no, what's your heart say, right? And that goes back to doing what you like, and that's how you like heal. It's not analytical. It's like, it's like, it's like your soul, it's like your feelings, right?
Unknown Speaker 24:57
Exactly, because you can be, you can. Analytical about it, right? Yeah. It could be like, Oh no, I have to feel better and blah, blah, but then you always have to fall back into, how am I? How am I doing? Like, I
Unknown Speaker 25:07
can't force my body to feel better, you know, I can't force my nervous system to calm down. I have to exactly. I have to actually address it directly, or else it's, it's like, useless, yeah, and
Unknown Speaker 25:17
it's okay to check in with yourself, a great way. And then we've already mentioned about journaling, but that's a great way to get through those emotions as well. It's like, Oh, I really want to help this. And then, like, sharing those journals with someone that you trust, that you think would give you good advice after they read it, and then, or maybe I've been using chatgpt recently for a lot of that, because you're lonely. I'm like, What should I do? Well, not loneliness, but mostly like, I feel like this, and I'm feeling down about that, and I really need to figure out a solution for what do you got? Give me some ideas, and then so chat GBT will give you a bunch of ideas. Every single thing that we've talked about today when I said that you can, you should go do things that you enjoy and you like. I When you hang around kids, I'm gonna tell you what got me to realize this. I was playing a game with a kid. I wasn't even playing. She was playing the kid the game by herself. And I was just like, oh, and she's playing, she's winning, right? And I'm like, oh, maybe you should do it this way. And I'll, like, press it and I'll mess it up by accident because I'm an idiot and I don't know how to play the game. And she'll be like, Oh, you messed up. I'm like, oh, sorry. And then, like, three more times I do the same thing, and she's not getting mad. She was in her world, she's super focused on the game, and in my head, I'm like, Oh man, I feel terrible. I made her lose the game. She did not lose. She ended up winning. She said she stayed focused on what she liked, she enjoyed what she was doing, and then in the end, she won. And she's like, I did it. I was like, You know what, dude, I miss those days when I just, like, didn't care about losing or didn't care about optimism.
Unknown Speaker 26:43
Unknown Speaker 26:44
I think it's great. I
Unknown Speaker 26:46
I want so badly for you know how like, we're like, the new adults we are. Yes, it's crazy. I want all of us new adults to do our best to embrace child like stuff childlike wonder. Like the child like Wonder gets ripped away from us slowly as we get older, because people think that, Oh, if you're gonna be a responsible person, then, like, you can't have fun and you have to be serious. And it's like, no, yeah, not
Unknown Speaker 27:17
true. Like, life events obviously can happen. Bullies happen, yeah? Like, like, messed up stuff happens. You know, people come in with random thoughts to mess with your head, yeah? But like, just don't let them, right? That's literally the only way that I figured out that we cannot, yeah, that we won't be affected by that. We
Unknown Speaker 27:35
have to be like, stubbornly, like, opposed to being like, no, no, you're not going to rip away the wonder and happy that I've created. Yes, like, this is my joy. Get your own, or not even get your own. But like, I will, I will help you find your joy. Yeah, it doesn't. That's why? Is that a little relatable? You find your own. Yeah, I
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don't want to. I don't want to be isolationist.
Unknown Speaker 27:55
I don't, yeah, see, I don't want to be isolationist about it. Because, like, that's the whole thing with joy, is, like, that's the whole thing with joy is, like, it's meant to be shared.
Unknown Speaker 28:03
When we said be like, child, we didn't mean that part, yeah, the child that
Unknown Speaker 28:07
doesn't know how to share. Yeah. Like, no, we're not trying to be stingy. From LazyTown, okay, it's funny.
Unknown Speaker 28:15
All right, guys, make sure to go find things that you like, that you enjoy, and if anything's upsetting you or making you feel down about things, think about it. Write about it. Journal about it. Talk about it. Yeah, hang out with people who you love, who love you as well and actually want the best for you. Yeah, and not just you know. And if you're
Unknown Speaker 28:33
the person that someone comes to, you don't have to do anything, do anything other than hold space and be a sounding board and listen and remember that you can ask people, Hey, do you just need someone to vent to do you want advice? Do you need a real, material solution like and remember you can ask these questions to make the other person like, remind them and demonstrate to them that you're not only are you a safe person and that you care, but that you're trying to, like, actively listen, yeah, and
Unknown Speaker 29:06
remember, if you're going through something, just remember, take your time. Take it day by day. That's true. It's okay to not be
Unknown Speaker 29:13
okay, and there's no timetable on things like grief and struggle. Exactly, things kind of just take as long as they take. We
Unknown Speaker 29:20
love you guys. Hope you guys had a great listen and we will get you back on next week, right?
Unknown Speaker 29:27
Catch you later next week. Understand.
Unknown Speaker 29:40
The concept of love. The
Unknown Speaker 29:46
concept of love.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai